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Glossary<br />

nigri-, nigro- black-, dark-, niger, nigri, nigronigricans<br />

almost black, blackish with age, present participle of nigro, nigrare<br />

nigripes black-stalked, niger, nigri-pes<br />

nigripetalus -a -um black-petalled, botanical Latin from niger, nigri and petalon<br />

nigristernus -a -um with black breast or heart, botanical Latin from niger, nigri and<br />

sternon<br />

nigritanus -a -um from Nigeria, W Africa<br />

nigroglandulosus -a -um having black glands, niger, nigri-(glans, glandis)<br />

nigropaleaceus -a -um bearing black scales, niger, nigri-(palea, paleae)<br />

nigropunctatus -a -um marked with black dots, niger, nigri-(pungo, pungere, pupugi,<br />

punctum)<br />

nigropurpureus -a -um dark-purple, nigro-purpureus<br />

nigrus -a -um black, niger, nigra, nigrum<br />

nikkoensis -is -e, nikoensis -is -e from Nike or Niko National Park, Honshu, Japan<br />

nil the Arabic name for Pharbitis hederacea<br />

niliacus -a -um from the River Nile (Nilus, Nili)<br />

niloticus -a -um from the Nile valley (niliacus)<br />

nimbicolus -a -um dwelling with clouds or rain-storms, nimbus-colo<br />

nimborus -a -um of clouds or rain-storms, nimbus, nimbi<br />

ningpoensis -is -e from Ningpo (Ningbo), China,<br />

nintooa the Japanese name for Lonicera japonica<br />

nipalensis -is -e, nipaulensis -is -e vide nepalensis<br />

Niphaea Snowy, nifaj, nifadoj (the white flowers)<br />

Niphimenes the composite name for hybrids between Niphaea and Achimenes<br />

nipho- snow-, nifaj, nifoniphophilus<br />

-a -um snow-loving, nifo-filoj<br />

Nipponanthemum Flower-of-Japan (N. japonicum)<br />

nipponicus -a -um, (niponicus -a -um) from Japan (Nippon), Japanese<br />

nissanus -a -um from Nish, SE Serbia<br />

Nissolia, nissolia, nissolicus -a -um for Guillaume Nissole (1647–1735), botanist of<br />

Montpellier<br />

Nitella Little-shining-one, diminutive of nitidus<br />

Nitellopsis Resembling-Nitella<br />

nitens, nitidi-, nitidus -a -um with a polished surface, neat, shining, niteo, nitere<br />

nitescens becoming glossy, present participle of nitesco, nitescere, nitui<br />

nitidellus -a -um having somewhat smooth or polished surfaces, diminutive of<br />

nitidus<br />

nitidifolius -a -um with glossy leaves, nitidus-folium<br />

nitidissimus -a -um with the most glossy surfaces, superlative of nitidus<br />

nitidulus -a -um quite smooth-surfaced, diminutive of nitidus<br />

nitidus -a -um bright, shining, clear, lustrous, nitidus<br />

Nitraria Soda-producer, nitrum, nitri (grows in saline deserts, burnt yields nitre,<br />

nitron)<br />

nitrariaceus -a -um of alkaline soils, nitrum, nitri<br />

nitratus -a -um nitrous, nitrum, nitri (smell)<br />

nitrophilus -a -um alkali-loving, nitro-filoj (growing on soda- or potash-rich soils)<br />

nivalis -is -e snow-white, growing near snow, nix, nivis<br />

niveus -a -um, nivosus -a -um purest white, snow-white, nix, nivis<br />

nivicolus -a -um living (flowering) in snow, nivi-colo<br />

nobilior more grand, more noble, comparative of nobilis<br />

nobilis -is -e famous, grand, noble, notable, nobilis<br />

nobilissimus -a -um the most notable, the grandest, superlative of nobilis<br />

nocteolens night-smelling or -stinking, present participle from noctis-(oleo, olere)<br />

nocti- night-, nox, noctis<br />

noctiflorus -a -um night-flowering, (nox, noctis)-florum<br />

Noctiluca Night-light (nox, noctis)-(lux, lucis) (phosphorescent marine organism;<br />

literally, moon-light)<br />


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