The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Nesaea Neseia, the name of a sea nymph<br />

nesioticus -a -um of islands, islander, insular, nhsoj, nhsiwthj, nhsiwtij<br />

Neslia for the eighteenth-to nineteenth-centruy French botanist, Nesles<br />

neso- island-, nhsoj, nhso-<br />

Nesogordonia Island-Gordonia (it was originally thought to be confined to<br />

Madagascar)<br />

nesophilus -a -um island-loving, nhso-filoj<br />

nessensis -is -e from Loch Ness, Scotland, or Ness Botanic Garden, Cheshire<br />

neuro-, -neurus -a -um ribbed-, -nerved, -veined, neura, neurh, neuroneurolobus<br />

-a -um with veined lobes, neuro-loboj<br />

Neuropeltis Veined-shielded-one, neuro-pelth (the veined and enlarged bract at<br />

fruiting)<br />

neuropetalus -a -um having conspicuously marked veins in the petals, neuro-petalon<br />

neurosus -a -um having pronounced or prominent nerves or veins, neura<br />

Neurotheca Ribbed-container, neura-qhkh (the ridged calyx)<br />

neutrus -a -um nondescript, neutral, neuter, neutri<br />

nevadensis -is -e from Nevada or the Sierra Nevada, USA, or from the Sierra<br />

Nevada, Spain<br />

Neviusia (Neviusa), nevii for its finder, R. D. Nevius<br />

newellii for Mr Newell of Downham Market, Norfolk c. 1880<br />

newryensis -is -e from Newry, County Down, Northern Ireland<br />

Newtonia for Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727), proponent of the laws of motion<br />

nexus -a -um enslaved; connected, entwined, necto, nectere, nexi (nexui), nexum<br />

niamniamensis -is -e, niamjamensis -is -e from Nia Nia, Congo<br />

nicaeensis -is -e either from Nice (Nicaea), SE France or from Nicaea, Bithynia, NW<br />

Turkey<br />

Nicandra for Nicander of Calophon (100 bc), writer on plants and antidotes<br />

nicaraguae from Nicaragua, Central America, Nicaraguan<br />

nichollsii for Mr Nicholls, of New Zealand (Leptospermum nichollsii)<br />

nicobaricus -a -um from the Nicobar Islands, Bay of Bengal, India<br />

nicolai either for King Nicolas of Montenegro, or for Tsar Nicholas of Russia<br />

Nicotiana for Jean Nicot (1530–1600), who introduced tobacco to France in the late<br />

sixteenth century<br />

nicotianifolius -a -um having leaves similar to those of Nicotiana, Nicotiana-folium<br />

nicoyanus -a -um from the Nicoya peninsula, W Costa Rica<br />

nictitans nodding, moving, blinking, winking, present participle of nicto, nictare<br />

nidi-, nidus nest, nest-like, nidus, nidi<br />

nidificus -a -um nest-like, nidus, nidi (fertile whorls of charaphyte, Tolypella)<br />

nidiformis -is -e shaped like a nest, nidi-forma<br />

nidorosus -a -um gnawed nest, nidus-(rodo, rodere, rosi, rosum) (concave pileus)<br />

nidulans crouching like a bird in its nest, nidulant, present participle of nidifico,<br />

nidificare (lying in a slight hollow)<br />

Nidularia, Nidularium, nidularius -a -um Little-nest, nidulus, niduli (organs lying in a<br />

nest-like structure or arrangement)<br />

nidus-aves bird’s-nest, nidus-avis (resemblance)<br />

niedzwetzkyanus -a -um for the Russian Judge Niedzwetzky<br />

Nierembergia for Juan Eusebia Nieremberg (1594–1658), Spanish Jesuit naturalist<br />

Nigella Blackish, diminutive of niger (the seed coats)<br />

nigellastrum medieval Latin name for corn-cockle, Nigella-ad-instar<br />

niger -gra -grum black, niger, nigeri<br />

nigercors dark-centred, black-hearted, niger-cor<br />

nigericus -a -um from Nigeria, W Africa<br />

nigramargus -a -um with black edges, dark-edged, nigra-(margo, marginis)<br />

nigrans dusky, darkening, present participle of nigro, nigrare<br />

nigratus -a -um blackened, nigresco, nigrescere<br />

nigrescens blackish, darkening, turning black, present participle of nigresco,<br />

nigrescere<br />


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