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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

myrrhus -a -um myrrh, Myrrhis (Commiphora myrrha)<br />

Myrsine Dioscorides’ ancient name, mursinh, for the myrtle (Myrsinaceae)<br />

myrsinites myrtle-like, mursinh-ithj<br />

myrsinoides Myrsine-like, Myrsine-oides<br />

myrti- myrtle-, Myrtusmyrticolus<br />

-a -um growing on or amongst myrtles, Myrtus-colo<br />

myrtifolius -a -um, myrsinaefolius -a -um myrtle-leaved, Myrtus-folium<br />

myrtilloides resembling a small Myrtus, myrtillus-oides<br />

myrtillus little myrtle, diminutive of Myrtus<br />

myrtinervius -a -um myrtle-veined, Myrtus-nerva<br />

Myrtus the Greek name, murton, for myrtle (the apothecaries’ name for the berries<br />

was myrtilli) (Myrtaceae)<br />

mysorensis -is -e from Mysore, India<br />

Mystacidium Moustache-like, mustac, mustakidoj (coronal fringe)<br />

mystacinus -a -um moustached, whiskered, mustac, mustakinoj<br />

mystropetalus -a -um having spoon-shaped petals, mustro-petalon<br />

mystrophyllus -a -um having spoon-shaped leaves, mustro-fullon<br />

Mystroxylon Spoon-wood, mustro-culon (use of timber)<br />

mysurensis -is -e from Mysore, India<br />

myuros, myurus -a -um mouse-tailed, mu-oura<br />

Myurus Mouse-tail, mu-oura (the panicle)<br />

myx-, myxo- amoeboid-, mucus-, mucilage-, slime-, muca<br />

Myxomphalia Slimy-navel, muca-omfaloj (depression of the cap)<br />

Myxomycetes Slime-fungus, muca-mukhtoj<br />

Mzimbanus -a -um from the Mzimba plain, NW Malawi<br />

nacreus -a -um mother-of-pearl-like, nacre, of uncertain French etymology<br />

Naegelia (Nagelia) for Karl von Nägeli (1817–91), professor of botany at Zurich and<br />

Munich<br />

naevatus -a -um, naevius -a -um, naevosus -a -um freckled, with mole-like blotches,<br />

naevus, naevi<br />

Naias, Najas Naias, one of the three mythological freshwater nymphs, or Naiads<br />

(see also Nymphaea and Nyssa) (Najadaceae)<br />

naio- dwelling-, inhabiting-, naiw, naw<br />

Naiocrene Fountain-dweller, naiw-krhnh<br />

nairobensis -is -e from Nairobi, Kenya<br />

Nama, nama-, namato- brook-, stream-, fountain-, nama<br />

namaensis -is -e from the area of the Nama people of Namibia<br />

namaquanus -a -um, namaquensis -is -e from Namaqualand, western S Africa<br />

namatophilus -a -um brook-loving, namato-filoj<br />

namibensis -is -e from the Namib coastal desert area of SW Africa<br />

namulensis -is -e from the environs of Mount Namúli, N Mozambique, E Africa<br />

nan, nana-, nanae-, nani-, nano-, nanoe-, nanno- very small, dwarf, nanoj, nannoj<br />

Nandina from the Japanese name, nandin, for the sacred bamboo (Nandinaceae)<br />

nanellus -a -um very dwarf, diminutive of nanus<br />

nangkinensis -is -e, nankinensis -is -e from Nanking (Nanjing), China<br />

nanifolius -a -um having very small leaves, nanus-folium<br />

nannopetalus -a -um having very small petals, nanno-petalon<br />

nannophyllus -a -um very small-leaved, nanno-fullon<br />

Nannorhops Dwarf-bush, nanno-rwy ( Chamaerhops)<br />

nanodes of dwarf appearance, nan-wdhj<br />

nanothamnus -a -um dwarf-thorn-bush, nano-qamnoj<br />

nanshanicus -a -um from the Nan Shan (Qilian Shan) mountains, Tsinghai, central<br />

China<br />

nanus -a -um dwarf, nanus (modern Latin from nanoj)<br />

napaeifolius -a -um, napeaefolius -a -um mallow-leaved, Napaea-folium<br />


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