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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

morindoides resembling Morinda, Morinda-oides<br />

Moringa from a Malabar vernacular name, moringo, for the horse-radish-tree<br />

(Moringaceae)<br />

morinifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Morina, Morina-folium<br />

morio the name, mwrion, of a plant causing madness (mwria, folly)<br />

Morisia for Giuseppe Giacinto (Josephi Hyacinthi) Moris (1796–1869), professor of<br />

botany at Turin, Italy<br />

Morisonia for Robert Morison (1620–83), Director of Royal Garden at Blois,<br />

Physician to Charles II, Professor of Botany at Oxford, author of Praeludia botanica<br />

(1669), influenced Linnaeus on classification of plants<br />

moritzianus -a -um for Johann Wilhelm Karl Moritz (1796–1866), who travelled in<br />

Venezuela and the West Indies<br />

-morius -a -um -divisions, -parts, -merous, morion (of the flower)<br />

Mormodes Goblin-like, mormo-wdhj (suggested by the flower shape)<br />

mormomicus -a -um annoying, spectral, mormwj<br />

mormos bugbear, spectre, goblin, mormw, mormwn, mormoj, mormouj (Botrychium<br />

mormos, goblin fern)<br />

morpho-, -morphus -a -um appearance-, -shaped, -formed, morfh<br />

morrenianus -a -um, morrenii for Professor Charles François Antoine Morren<br />

(1807–58) of Liège, Belgium<br />

morrisonensis -is -e, morrisonicolus -a -um from Morrison, Illinois, USA<br />

morrisonmontanus -a -um from the environs of the Chung Yang (Morrison) range,<br />

Taiwan<br />

morsus-ranae bite of the frog, morsus-(rana, ranae) (frog-bit)<br />

mortefontanensis -is -e from the Motrefontaine nursery of Chantrier brothers, France<br />

mortuiflumis -is -e of dead water, growing in stagnant water, mortuus-(flumen,<br />

fluminis)<br />

Morus the ancient Latin name, morus, for the mulberry (Moraceae)<br />

mosaicus -a -um tessellated, parti-coloured, coloured like a mosaic, modern Latin,<br />

musaicus<br />

moschatellinus -a -um a little bit musky, an old generic name for Adoxa, moschatel,<br />

feminine double diminutive of moschatus (has a musky fragrance when wet)<br />

moschatus -a -um musk-like, musky-scented, mosxoj (sprout, descendant, young<br />

bull)<br />

moscheutos a vernacular name for swamp rose-mallow, Hibiscus moscheutos<br />

moschiferus -a -um bearing a musky fragrance, mosxoj-foroj<br />

Moschosma Musk-fragrant, mosxoj-osmh<br />

moschus -a -um fragranced, musk-like, mosxoj<br />

mosera, moseri, moserianus -a -um for Moser, the French nurserymen<br />

mossiae, mossii for Mrs Moss of Otterspool, Liverpool c. 1838<br />

motorius -a -um agitated, kept in motion, moto, motare<br />

moulmainensis -is -e from Moulmein, Mayanmar (Burma)<br />

moupinensis -is -e from Mupin, W China<br />

moxa a vernacular name for the woolly leaves of Artemisia moxa<br />

mucidus -a -um snivelling, mouldy, mucidus<br />

Mucor Mould (mucidus mouldy)<br />

mucosus -a -um slimy, mucosus<br />

mucro-, mucroni- pointed-, sharp-pointed-, mucro, mucronis<br />

mucronatus -a -um mucronate, with a hard sharp-pointed tip, mucro, mucronis (see<br />

Fig. 7b)<br />

mucroniferus -a -um bearing short straight points, mucronis-fero (at leaf apex)<br />

mucronifolius -a -um with mucronate leaves, mucronis-folium<br />

mucronulatus -a -um with a hard, very short, pointed tip, diminutive of mucronatus<br />

Mucuna the Brazilian vernacular name for cow-itch, Mucuna pruriens<br />

Muehlenbeckia for Dr H. Gustave Muehlenbeck (1798–1845), Alsatian physician<br />

muelleri for Otto Frederik Müller (1730–84), author of Flora Danica, or Ferdinand<br />

von Müller (1825–96)<br />


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