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Glossary<br />

Micromeles Small-apple, mikro-melon (the fruit’s size)<br />

Micromeria Small-parts, mikro-merij (the diminutive flowers)<br />

micromerus -a -um with small parts or divisions, mikro-merij<br />

Micromonas Small-unit, mikro-monaj (the smallest monocaryotic alga)<br />

micropetalus -a -um small-petalled, mikro-petalon<br />

microphyllus -a -um small-leaved, mikro-fullon<br />

microphyton small plant, mikro-futon (as distinct from other species)<br />

microps of small appearance, tiny, mikr-wy<br />

microptilon small wing, mikroj-ptilon (phyllaries)<br />

microrhizus -a -um with a small root or rooting base, mikro-riza<br />

microsepalus -a -um having small sepals, mikro-skeph<br />

Microseris Small-Seris, mikro-shrij<br />

Microsisymbrium Little-Sisymbrium, from mikro and Sisymbrium<br />

Microsorium Small-sori, mikro-soroj (restricted to junctions of three veins)<br />

microspermus -a -um small-seeded, with little seed, mikro-sperma<br />

microstachyus -a -um with small spikes, mikro-staxuj (aments)<br />

Microstegium, microsteius -a -um Small-covers, mikro-stegh (the minute lemmas or<br />

bracts)<br />

microstipulus -a -um having small stipules, botanical Latin from mikro and stipula<br />

Microstrobos Small-cone, mikro-strobiloj (comparison with Pinus strobus)<br />

microthelis -is -e having small (nipples or) tubercles, mikro-qhlh<br />

microthyrsus -a -um having small thyrses, mikro-qursoj (see Fig. 3d)<br />

microtrichus -a -um with very short hairs, mikro-(qric, trixoj)<br />

microxiphion with small swords, mikro-cifoj (the leaves)<br />

micrugosa small (Rosa) rugosa, micro-rugosa<br />

-mict- -mixed-, -mixture-, miktoj<br />

middendorfianus -a -um, middendorfii for Alexander <strong>The</strong>odor von Middendorf<br />

(1815–94), Russian collector in N India and Siberia<br />

Mikania for Joseph G. Mikan (1743–1814), Professor of Botany at Prague<br />

mikanioides resembling climbing hemp-weed, Mikania scandens, Mikania-oides<br />

Mikaniopsis Resembling-Mikania, botanical Latin from Mikan and oyij<br />

Mila an anagram of Lima, the genus’ Peruvian provenance<br />

miliaceus -a -um millet-like, pertaining to millet, Milium<br />

miliaris -is -e thousands, minutely glandular-spotted, milia, milium<br />

militaris -is -e upright, resembling part of a uniform, soldierly, miles, militis<br />

Milium the Latin name, milium, mili, for a millet grass<br />

Milla for Juliani Milla, eighteenth-century gardener at the Madrid court<br />

mille- a thousand- (usually means ‘very many’), mille, millia<br />

milleflorus -a -um having (thousands or) many flowers or florets, mille-florum<br />

millefolii of millfoil (Rhopalomyia gall midge in axillary buds)<br />

millefolius -a -um, millefoliatus -a -um thousand-leaved (much-divided leaves of<br />

milfoil), milfoil-like, mille-folium<br />

millegranus -a -um having (thousands or) very large numbers of seeds, millegranum<br />

milleri for Philip Miller (1691–1771), Curator of Chelsea Physic Garden, author of<br />

<strong>The</strong> Gardener’s Dictionary (1731)<br />

Milletia for J. A. Millet, eighteenth-century French botanist<br />

Miltonia for Earl Charles Fitzwilliam (1786–1857), Viscount Milton<br />

mimetes mimicking, mimhsij<br />

Mimosa Mimic, mimoj (the sensitivity of the leaves, an imitator or mime)<br />

(Mimosaceae)<br />

mimosifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Mimosa, Mimosa-folium<br />

mimosoides resembling Mimosa, Mimosa-oides<br />

mimuloides resembling Mimulus, Mimulus-oides<br />

Mimulopsis Resembling-Mimulus, botanical Latin from Mimulus and oyij<br />

Mimulus Mask-flower, mimeomai (diminutive of mimus, the flowers somewhat<br />

mimic a face)<br />


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