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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

metro- mother-, centre-, heart-, mhtra; size, standard, metron<br />

Metrosideros Heart-of-iron, mhtra-sidhroj (the hard timber)<br />

Metroxylon Heart-wood, mhtra-zulon (the large medulla)<br />

Metternichia for Prince Metternich of Winneburg, Austria (1772–1859)<br />

metulifer, metuliferus -a -um carrying apprehension, (metuo, metuere, metui,<br />

metutum)- fero ( the fruits)<br />

Meum (Meon) an old Greek name, mhon, in Dioscorides (meu of the apothecaries)<br />

mexicanus -a -um from Mexico, Mexican<br />

meyenianus -a -um, meyenii for Franz Julius Ferdinand Meyen (1804–40), plant<br />

illustrator<br />

meyeri for either Johann Karl Friedrich Meyer (1765–1805), apothecary of Stettin,<br />

or G. F. W. Meyer (1782–1856), who wrote the Flora of Hanover, or Adolph<br />

Bernard Meyer (1840–1911), explorer, or Abraham Julien Meyer (1770–1843), of<br />

Batavia, or E. H. F. Meyer (1791–1858), botanical author, or Reverend G. Meyer<br />

(fl. 1929), who collected S African succulents<br />

Mezereum (mezereon) a name used by Avicenna (Ibn Sina) (980–1037), from the<br />

Persian, mazarjun<br />

Mibora an Adansonian name of uncertain meaning<br />

micaceus -a -um from micaceous soils, mica-like, mica, micae (colour appearance)<br />

micans shining, sparkling, glistening, mico, micare, micui<br />

Michauxia, michauxii for André Michaux (1746–1803), French botanist who collected<br />

in N America to supply the Rambouillet forest near Paris<br />

Michelia, michelianus -a -um for either Pietro Antonio Micheli (1679–1737),<br />

Florentine botanist, or Marc Micheli (1844–1902) of Geneva<br />

michiganensis -is -e from Michigan, USA<br />

micholitzianus -a -um, micholitzii for Wilhelm Micholitz (1854–1932), who collected<br />

for Sander in the Philippines, New Guinea, etc.<br />

michuacanus -a -um from Michoacan state, W central Mexico<br />

micr-, micra-, micro- small-, mikroj, mikro-, mikrmicrandus<br />

-a -um with small stamens, mikr-anhr<br />

Micranthes Small-flower, mikroj-anqoj<br />

micranthidifolius -a -um with Micranthus-like foliage<br />

Micranthus, micranthus -a -um Small-flowered, having small flowers, mikr-anqoj<br />

Microbiota Small-Thuja (Biota was an earlier synonym for Thuja)<br />

microbotryus -a -um having small bunches, mikro-botruj (of fruits or flowers)<br />

Microcachrys Little-Cachrys<br />

Microcala Little-beauty, mikro-kaloj<br />

Microcalamus Small-Calamus-like<br />

microcarpus -a -um small-fruited, mikro-karpoj<br />

microcephalus -a -um small-headed, mikro-kefalh (inflorescences)<br />

Microchloa Small-grass, mikro-xloh<br />

Microcoelia Small-belly, mikro-koiloj (obscure lobes of lip)<br />

Microcycas Small-Cycas<br />

microdasys small and hairy, with short shaggy hair, mikro-dasuj<br />

Microdesmis Small-clusters, mikro-desmh (refers to the clustered flowers)<br />

microdon small-toothed, mikro-odwn<br />

Microdracroides Small-Dracaena, mikro-drakaina-oeidhj (mature plants form false<br />

‘trunks’ and resemble small Dracaena plants)<br />

microglochin small-point, mikro-glwxij (the extended tip of the flowering axis)<br />

Microglossa Small-tongue, mikro-glwssa (the short ligulate florets)<br />

Microgramma Small-lines, mikro-grammh (the sori)<br />

Microlepis Small-scale, mikro-lepij (thin outward-facing indusium is attached at<br />

the base and sides)<br />

microlepis -is -e with small scales, scurfy, mikro-lepij<br />

microleucum small (Rhododendron) leucum<br />

Microloma Small-fringe, mikro-lwma (the hair groups in the corolla tube)<br />

micromalus small apple, mikro-mhlea, micro-Malus (fruiting body)<br />


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