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Glossary<br />

meridianus -a -um, meridionalis -is -e southern, midday, of noon, merides, merideie<br />

(flowering at midday)<br />

Merinthosorus Divided-sorus, (merizw) merinqoj-soroj<br />

merismoides divided-looking, merismoj-oeidhj (the surface of the fruiting body has<br />

numerous radiating ridges)<br />

meritus -a -um deserved, to be acquired, past participle of mereo, merere, merui;<br />

mereor, mereri, meritus<br />

Mertensia for Franz Karl Mertens (1764–1831), Professor of Botany at Bremen<br />

mertensianus -a -um for Karl Heinrich Mertens (1795–1830), who collected in<br />

Alaska<br />

mertonensis -is -e from Merton College, Oxford<br />

-merus -a -um -partite, -divided into, -merous, -parts, -meroj<br />

merus undiluted, pure, bare, mere, merus, mera<br />

Meryta Rolled, meruj (the appearance of the male flowers)<br />

mes-, mesi-, meso- somewhat-, between-, middle-, mesoj, meso-, mesmesacanthus<br />

-a -um with moderately large spines, mes-akanqoj<br />

mesadenius -a -um with central glands (petiolar), moderately glandular, mes-adhn<br />

mesaeus -a -um intermediate, neutral, meseuw<br />

Mesanthemum Middle-flowered, meso-anqemon (the flowers are surrounded by<br />

involucral bracts)<br />

mesargyreus -a -um with silver towards the middle, mes-arguroj (leaf colouration)<br />

mesariticus -a -um from the Mesará plain of S Crete<br />

Mesembryanthemum (Mesembrianthemum) originally, Midday-flower, mes-hmbriaanqemon,<br />

mes-hmbrinoj-anqemon (flowers of some open in full midday sun) but<br />

current name recognizes night-flowering components and derives as mesojembruon-anqemon,<br />

flower with a central embryo<br />

mesentericus -a -um mesentery-like, mesenterion (the texture and colouration of the<br />

tripe-fungus, Auricularia mesenterica)<br />

meso- intermediate, middle, mesoj<br />

mesochoreus -a -um from the middle region, country or land, from the midlands,<br />

meso-xwra<br />

mesogaeus -a -um of middle earth, meso-(gh, gaia)<br />

mesoleucus -a -um with white centres, meso-leukoj<br />

mesophaeus -a -um with a dark centre, meso-faioj (colouring)<br />

mesopolius -a -um with a grey centre, meso-polioj<br />

mesoponticus -a -um from the middle sea, meso-pontioj (lakes of central Africa)<br />

mesopotamicus -a -um from between the rivers, meso-potamoj<br />

mesozygius -a -um yoked or united in the middle, meso-zugoj<br />

mespiliformis -is -e resembling a medlar, Mespilus-forma<br />

Mespilus Half-felted, meso-piloj (<strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name, mespilh sataneioj, for the<br />

medlar)<br />

messanensis -is -e, messanius -a -um from Messina area, Italy (Messana)<br />

messeniacus -a -um, messeniensis -is -e from Messenia, Morea, Greece<br />

-mestris -is -e -months, mensis, mensis (the period of growth or flowering) (semester<br />

six-months)<br />

met-, meta- amongst-, next to-, after-, behind-, later-, with-, meta<br />

metallicus -a -um lustrous, metallic in appearance, metallikoj<br />

metalliferus -a -um bearing (metal or) a metallic lustre, metallikoj-ferw<br />

Metasequoia Close-to-Sequoia, botanical Latin from meta and Sequoia (resemblance<br />

of the dawn redwood)<br />

metel an Arabic vernacular name for Datura metel<br />

meteloides resembling (Datura) metel<br />

meteoris -is -e dependent upon the weather, metewroj (flowering)<br />

methipticos intoxicating, mequskw (to make drunk)<br />

methistico-, methysticus -a -um intoxicating, mequskw (Piper methysticum is intoxicating<br />

pepper, or [Tongan] kava)<br />

metrius -a -um estimable, measured, passed over, metrew<br />


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