The Names Of Plants.pdf

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The Names Of Plants.pdf


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Glossary<br />

mays from the Taino/Mexican name, mahiz, for Indian corn<br />

Maytenus from the Chilean vernacular name, maiten<br />

mazatlanensis -is -e from the Mazatlán peninsula, W central Mexico<br />

Mazus Nipple, mazoj (the shape of the corolla)<br />

meandriformis -is -e of winding form, much convoluted, maeander-forma<br />

(Maiandroj was a river)<br />

meanthus -a -um small-flowered, mei-anqoj<br />

-mecon -poppy, mhkwn<br />

Meconopsis Poppy-like, mhkwn-oyij<br />

Medeola for the sorceress Medea, daughter of Aëdes and Colchis, who aided Jason<br />

and the Argonauts<br />

medeus -a -um remedial, healing, curing, of cures, medeor, mederi<br />

medi-, medio- middle-sized, between-, intermediate-, from the centre, medius<br />

Medicago Median-grass, Dioscorides’ name, mhdikh, from a Persian name for<br />

lucerne, or medick (medica with feminine suffix -ago)<br />

medicinalis -is -e having medicinal properties, medicinal, medicina, medicinae<br />

medicus -a -um from Media (Iran), curative, medicinal (doctors in Rome were frequently<br />

from the East)<br />

Medinilla for J. de Medinilla y Pineda, Governor of the Marianne Islands<br />

(Mauritius) in 1820<br />

mediocris -is -e ordinary, average, mediocris<br />

mediolanensis -is -e from Milan (Mediolanum), Italy<br />

medioloides florist’s Smilax (from Mediolanum)<br />

medioluteus -a -um mid-yellow, with a yellow centre, medius-luteus<br />

mediopictus -a -um with a coloured stripe down the centre-line, medius-pictus (of a<br />

leaf)<br />

medioradiatus -a -um with a radiant centre, radiating from the centre, mediusradiatus<br />

mediosorus -a -um having centrally arranged sori, botanical Latin from medius and<br />

swroj<br />

mediterranea, mediterraneus -a -um from the Mediterranean region; from well<br />

inland, medi-terra<br />

Medium a plant name, mhdion, in Dioscorides<br />

medius -a -um between, intermediate, mid-sized, centre, medius<br />

medocinus -a -um from the Médoc district, France<br />

medullaris -is -e, medullus -a -um pithy, soft-wooded<br />

medullarius -a -um, medullosus -a -um with a large pith<br />

medusae like Medusa’s head (the long threadlike sepals of the heads of flowers<br />

likened to the serpents hair of Medusa)<br />

medwediewii for H. Medwediew, who collected Betula medwediewii in Trans-<br />

Caucasus c. 1888<br />

meeana for Margaret Mee (1909–88), illustrator of Brazilian plants<br />

Meehania, meehanii for Thomas Meehan (1826–1901), London nurseryman and<br />

writer on plants<br />

Meeusella, meeuse, meeusei for Adriaan Dirk Jacob Meeuse (1914–), Dutch<br />

systematist<br />

mega-, megali-, megas- biggest-, bigger-, big-, mega, megalh, megaj (comparatives)<br />

megacalyx having a very large calyx, mega-kaluc<br />

megacarpus -a -um large fruited, mega-karpoj<br />

megacephalus -a -um large-headed, mega-kefalh (of composite inflorescences)<br />

Megaclinium Large-bed, mega-(klinh, klinarion) (the many-flowered rachis)<br />

Megacodon Massive-bell, mega-kwdon (massive flowered)<br />

megalanthus -a -um large-flowered, megalh-anqoj<br />

megalobotrys having large berries or bunches, megalh-botruj<br />

megalocarpus -a -um large-fruited, megalh-karpoj<br />

megalophyllus -a -um with very large leaves, megalh-fullon<br />

megalorrhizus -a -um large-rooted, megalh-riza<br />


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