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Glossary<br />

marianus -a -um for the Virgin Mary, Maria; or from Maryland, USA; or from the<br />

Sierra Morena, Spain (Montes Mariani)<br />

Marica Flagging, marainw (the flowers die away early) ( Neomarica)<br />

marientalensis -is -e from the environs of Mariental, bordering the Kalahari,<br />

Namibia<br />

mariesii for Charles Maries (1850–1902), English plant collector in Japan for Veitch<br />

c. 1880<br />

marifolius -a -um having leaves similar to those of Teucrium marum<br />

marilandicus -a -um, marylandicus -a -um from the Maryland region, USA<br />

marinus -a -um marine, growing by or in the sea, mare<br />

mariorika a hybrid epithet for Picea mariana ormorika<br />

maris see mas<br />

marisculus -a -um like a small rush, diminutive of Mariscus<br />

Mariscus, mariscus -a -um the name for a rush-like plant in Pliny<br />

maritimus -a -um growing by the sea, maritime, of the sea, mare<br />

marjoletti for Joseph Marie Marjolett (1823–94), who found Tulipa marjoletti<br />

marjoranus -a -um derived from the Latin name, maiorana (sweet marjoram)<br />

Markhamia for Sir Clements Robert Markham (1830–1916), explorer and writer<br />

marmelos a Portuguese vernacular name, marmelo, for marmalade<br />

marmorarius -a -um marbled, with coloured veins, marmor, marmoris (in the<br />

corolla)<br />

marmoratus -a -um, marmoreus -a -um with veins of colour, sparkling, marbled, marmaroj<br />

maroccanus -a -um, marocanus -a -um from Morocco, NW Africa, Moroccan<br />

marrubialis -is -e Marrubium-like<br />

Marrubium the name in Pliny, either from the Hebrew, marrob, for the bitter-juice,<br />

or from the town of Marrubium in Latium<br />

Marsdenia for Willam Marsden (1754–1836), author of a history of Sumatra<br />

Marshallia for Humphrey Marshall (1722–1801), who compiled the first list of<br />

American trees in 1785<br />

marshallianus -a -um, marshallii for Marschall von Bieberstein (see Biebersteinia)<br />

marsicus -a -um from the central Apennines, Italy (the land of the Marsi)<br />

Marsilea for Luigi Fernando Marsigli (1656–1730), Italian patron of botany<br />

(Marsileaceae)<br />

marsupialis -is -e pouched, having pouches, marsupion<br />

marsupiflorus -a -um, marsupiiflorus -a -um with pouch-like flowers, botanical Latin<br />

from marsipoj and florum<br />

martagon either from herba martis, herba martina, herb of Mars (German,<br />

Goldwürtz) used in alchemy (Pierandrea Mattioli, 1501–77), or resembling a kind<br />

of Turkish turban (Turk’s cap)<br />

martellianus -a -um for Conte Ugolino Martelli (1860–1934), author of floras for<br />

Italy and Eritraea<br />

Martia, Martiusia, martianus -a -um for K. F. P. von Martius (1794–1868), German<br />

botanist in Brazil<br />

martinicensis -is -e, martinicus -a -um from Martinique<br />

martinii for Claude Martin (1731–1800), correspondent of Roxburgh (q.v.)<br />

Martynia for John Martyn FRS (1699–1768), Professor of Botany at Cambridge (his<br />

son Thomas Martyn was also Professor of Botany at Cambridge for 63 years<br />

between 1762 and 1825) (Martyniaceae)<br />

maru a vernacular name for mastic<br />

maruta the Italian vernacular name for Anthemis cotula<br />

marylandicus -a -um from Maryland, USA<br />

mas, maris bold, with stamens, male, man, mas, maris<br />

mascaratus -a -um masked, darkened, Arabic, maskara<br />

Mascarenhasia from the Mascarene islands<br />

Maschalocephalus Overpowered-head, masxalizw (inflorescences almost concealed<br />

by bracts amongst leaf-bases)<br />


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