The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Manicaria Glove, manica (the spathe of the inflorescence)<br />

manicatus -a -um with a felty covering which can be stripped off, manicate,<br />

manicae, manicarum (literally, with long sleeves)<br />

manifestus -a -um obvious, evident, manifestus<br />

Manihot from the Tupi-Guarani name, manioca, for cassava (the flour prepared<br />

from the root is tapioca, from Tupi-Guarani, typyoca)<br />

manillanus -a -um from Manilla, Philippines<br />

manipuliflorus -a -um grouped, with few-flowered clusters, manipulatum<br />

manipuranus -a -um, manipurensis -is -e from Manipur, Assam, India<br />

manna having a sweet exudate, Arabic, mann, manna<br />

mannensis -is -e from the environs of the Mann river, Australia<br />

Mannia, mannii for Gustav Mann (1835–1916), collector for Kew in W Africa<br />

1859–63, Inspector of Assam Forests<br />

Manniella diminutive of Mannia<br />

manniferus -a -um manna-bearing, manna-ferw (Aramaic, manna, for the exudate<br />

from Tamarix mannifera)<br />

mano- scanty-, manoj<br />

manopeplus -a -um with a thin cloak, scantily covered, manoj-peploj<br />

manriqueorum for Manrique de Lara, of the Manriques<br />

manshuricus -a -um, manshuriensis -is -e from Manchuria, Manchurian<br />

mantegazzianus -a -um for Paulo Mantegazzi (1831–1910), Italian traveller and<br />

anthropologist<br />

manticus -a -um of seers or soothsayers, mantij, mantikoj<br />

Mantissia Prophet, mantij (the flowers resemble a praying mantis)<br />

mantoniae for Professor Irene Manton (1904–88), fern cytologist of Leeds<br />

University and first woman president of the Linnean Society of London<br />

manuanus -a -um from the Manua Islands, SW Pacific<br />

manubriatus -a -um having a handle-like structure, manubrium, manubri<br />

manzanita Spanish vernacular for a small apple<br />

Mapania from a W African vernacular name<br />

mappa napkin(-textured), cloth(-textured), mappa, mappae<br />

maracandicus -a -um from Samarkand (Maracanda), Uzbekistan<br />

Maranta for Bartolomea Maranti, sixteenth-century Venetian botanist<br />

(Marantaceae)<br />

marantifolius -a -um having foliage resembling Maranta, Maranta-folium<br />

Marantochloa Maranti’s-grass, botanical Latin from Maranti and xloh<br />

Marasmius Withering, marasmoj (the scorched turf phase of the fairy ring, or the<br />

senescent fruiting body’s leathery texture)<br />

marathon fennel, maraqon<br />

Marattia for Giovanni Francesco Maratti (1723–77), Italian botanist, author of<br />

De floribus filicum (Marattiaceae)<br />

marcescens not putrefying, persisting, retaining dead leaves and/or flowers,<br />

marcesco, marcescere<br />

Marcgravia for Georg Markgraf (Marcgraf) (1610–1644), German engineer and<br />

geographer in Brazil (Marcgraviaceae)<br />

marckii for Jean Baptiste Antoine Pierre Monnet de la Marck (1744–1829); French<br />

pre-Darwinian evolutionist (Lamarck)<br />

margaretae for Margaret Mee (1909–88), botanical illustrator of Brazilian plants<br />

margaritaceus -a -um, margaritus -a -um pearly, of pearls, margarithj, margarita,<br />

margaritae<br />

margaritae for Mlle Marguerite Closon<br />

margaritiferus -a -um bearing pearl, margarithj-ferw, margarita-fero<br />

magaritisporus -a -um having pearl-like spores, margarithj-sporoj<br />

marginalis -is -e of the margins, margined, margo, marginis<br />

marginatus -a -um having a distinct margin, margo, marginis (the leaves)<br />

Margyricarpus Pearl-fruit, margarithj-karpoj (the white berry-like achenes)<br />

mariae for either Mrs Mary Burbidge or Miss Mary Anderson<br />


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