The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Maakia for Richard Maack (1825–86), Russian naturalist<br />

Maba from a Tongan vernacular name<br />

Macadamia for Dr John Macadam (1827–65), Secretary to the Philosophical<br />

Institute of Victoria (Queensland nut)<br />

Macaranga from the Malayan vernacular name, umbrella tree (the large leaves)<br />

macaronesicus -a -um from the Macronesian islands, E Atlantic<br />

macarthurii for either Captain J. Macarthur, or Sir William Macarthur (1800–82),<br />

who collected in Australia<br />

macdougallii for Dr Daniel Trembly MacDougall (1865–1958), Director of the<br />

Desert Laboratory, Tucson, Arizona, USA<br />

macedonicus -a -um from Macedonia, Macedonian<br />

macellarius -a -um, macellus -a -um of the market, macellum, macelli<br />

macer -era -erum meagre, poor, macer, macri<br />

macerispicus -a -um having thin or poor spikes, macer-(spica, spicae)<br />

Macfadyena for James Macfadyen (1800–50), author of Flora of Jamaica<br />

Machaeranthera Dagger-anthered-one, maxaira-anqera<br />

macilentus -a -um thin, lean, macies<br />

Mackaya, mackaianus -a -um, mackaii for James Townend Mackay (1775–1862),<br />

Curator of the Botanic Garden, Trinity College Dublin<br />

mackenii for Mark Johnston M’Ken (1823–72), curator of the Durban Botanic Garden<br />

Macleaya, macleayanus -a -um for either Alexander Macleay (1767–1848), Secretary<br />

to the Linnean Society of London, or Sir George Macleay (1809–91)<br />

Maclura for William Maclure (1763–1840), American geologist<br />

macowanii for Peter MacOwan (1830–1909) of Huddersfield, Director of Cape<br />

Colony Botanic Garden<br />

macpalxochitlquahuitl a Mexican vernacular name for Cheirostemon platanoides<br />

macr-, macro- big-, large-, long-, tall-, deep-, far-, makroj, makro, makrmacracanthus<br />

-a -um with large thorns, makro-akanqoj<br />

Macradenia Long-gland, makr-adhn (the pollinial attachments)<br />

macradenius -a -um having large glands, makr-adhn<br />

macrandrus -a -um having large anthers, makr-anhr<br />

macranthus -a -um large-flowered, makr-anqoj<br />

macroblastus -a -um with large shoots, makro-blastoj<br />

macrobotrys having large clusters, makro-botruj<br />

macrobulbon having large bulbs, makro-bolboj, macro-bulbus<br />

macrocalyx with a large calyx, makro-kaluc<br />

macrocapnos large Fumitory like, makro-kapnoj (big smoke)<br />

macrocarpus large-fruited, makro-karpoj<br />

macrocentrus -a -um large-spurred, makro-kentron<br />

macrocephalus -a -um with large heads, makro-kefalh (of flowers)<br />

macrochaetae large-awned, makro-xaith<br />

macrococcus -a -um having large berries, makro-kokkoj<br />

Macrocystis, macrocystis Large-bladder, makro-kustij<br />

macrodon, macrodontus -a -um having large teeth, makr-(odouj, odontoj)<br />

macrodus -a -um large-toothed, makr-odouj<br />

macroglossus -a -um large-lipped, with a large tongue, makro-glwssa<br />

macrogonus -a -um very angular, with large nodes, makro-gonu (stout ribbed stems)<br />

macrolepis -is -e with large scales, makro-lepij<br />

macromeris -is -e with large parts, makro-merij<br />

macronemus -a -um having large or long stamens, makro-nhma<br />

macronychius -a -um, macronyx with large claws, makr-(onuc, onuxoj) (the petals)<br />

macropetalus -a -um having large petals, makro-petalon<br />

macrophyllus -a -um with large leaves, makro-fullon<br />

Macropiper Large-pepper, botanical Latin from makro and Piper (Maori peppertree,<br />

kawa-kawa)<br />

macropodianus -a -um from Kangaroo Island, SE Australia, botanical Latin, makro-<br />

(pouj, podoj), to emphasize the abundance of the island’s kangaroo population<br />


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