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The Names Of Plants.pdf


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Glossary<br />

lycaonicus -a -um from the ancient region, Lycaonia, of Anatolia, Turkey<br />

Lycaste for Lycaste, daughter of King Priam of Troy<br />

Lycene the composite name for hybrids between Lychnis and Silene<br />

Lychnis Lamp, luxnoj (<strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name, luxnij, for the hairy leaves were used<br />

as wicks for oil lamps)<br />

lychnitis from a name in Pliny meaning of lamps, luxnoj<br />

lychno-, lychnoides Lychnis-like, luxnoj-oeidhj<br />

Lychnothamnus Light-bush, luxnoj-qamnoj<br />

lycioides box-thorn-like, Lycium-oides<br />

Lycium the ancient Greek name, lukion, for a thorn tree (Rhamnus) from Lycia, reapplied<br />

by Linnaeus<br />

lycius -a -um from Lycia, lukion, SW Turkey<br />

lyco- wolf-, lukoj, luko- (usually implying inferior wild, or rampant)<br />

Lycocarpus, lycocarpus -a -um Wolf-fruit, luko-karpoj (clawed at the upper end)<br />

lycoctonus -a -um wolf-murder, luko-ktonoj (poisonous wolf’s-bane, Aconitum<br />

lycoctonum)<br />

lycoperdoides puff-ball-like, resembling Lycoperdon, luko-perdein-oeidhj<br />

Lycoperdon Wolf’s-fart, luko-perdein (for the emission of clouds of spores)<br />

Lycopersicum (on) Wolf-peach, luko-persikon, Galen’s name, lukopersion (for an<br />

Egyptian plant) (Lycopersicum esculentum is the tomato, from Nahuatl, tomatl)<br />

lycopodioides resembling Lycopodium, luko-podion-oeidhj<br />

Lycopodium Wolf’s-foot, luko-podion (Tabernaemontana’s translation of the<br />

German, Wolfsklauen, for a clubmoss) (Lycopodiaceae)<br />

Lycopsis Wolf-like, lukoj-oyij (Dioscorides’ derogatory name, lukoyij)<br />

lycopsoides resembling Lycopsis, lukoyij-oeidhj<br />

Lycopus Wolf’s-foot, lukoj-pouj<br />

Lycoris for Lycoris the actress, and Marc Antony’s mistress<br />

lydenburgensis -is -e from Lydenberg, Transvaal, S Africa<br />

lydius -a -um from the ancient region of Lydia, SW Turkey<br />

Lygeum Pliant, lugizw to bend, lugoj a willow twig<br />

Lygodium Twining-one, lugodhj (the climbing fern’s stems)<br />

lynceus -a -um lynx-like, of the lynx (Lynkeos was a keen-sighted Argonaut)<br />

lyonii for John Lyon (c. 1765–1814), introducer of American plants<br />

Lyonothamnus Lyon’s-shrub, for W. S. Lyon (1851–1916), its discoverer<br />

lyratus -a -um lyre-shaped, lura, lyratus (rounded above with small lobes below –<br />

usually of leaves)<br />

lyrifolius -a -um having lyre-shaped leaves, lyratus-folium (with enlarged upper<br />

lobe)<br />

lyroglossus -a -um having a lyrate tongue, lura-glwssa<br />

lyrophyllus -a -um having lyre-shaped leaves, lura-fullon (with enlarged upper<br />

lobe)<br />

lysi-, lysio-, lyso- loose-, loosening-, lusij, lusilysicephalus<br />

-a -um having loose (flower-)heads, lusij-kefalh<br />

Lysichiton (um) Loose-cloak, lusi-xitwn, (the open, deciduous spathe)<br />

Lysimachia Ending-strife, lusi-maxh, Dioscorides’ name lusimaxeioj, lusimaxia<br />

(Pliny relates that the Thracian king Lysimachos discovered it)<br />

lysimachoides resembling Lysimachia<br />

Lysionotus Rear-opening, lusij-nwtoj (capsules open elastically along dorsal<br />

suture)<br />

-lysis loosening, dissolution, decay, metamorphosis, lusij<br />

lysistemon with loose stamens, lusij-stemon (stamens not conjoined or having<br />

rigid filaments)<br />

lysolepis -is -e with loose scales, lusij-lepij<br />

Lythrum Gore, luqron (Dioscorides’ name, lutron, may refer to the flower colour<br />

of some species) (Lythraceae)<br />

Lytocaryum Releasing-nut, luto-karuon (luterioj, releasing, lutikoj able to<br />

release, lutron, ransom)<br />


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