The Names Of Plants.pdf

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The Names Of Plants.pdf


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Glossary<br />

loderi for Gerald Loder (Lord Wakehurst) (1861–1936), plantsman and owner of<br />

Wakehurst Place from 1903 to 1936, or Simon Loder (1932–94), of Clapton Court,<br />

Somerset<br />

Lodoicea for Louis XV of France (1710–74) (Lodewijk, to his Polish father-in-law,<br />

King Stanislav); the extravagant signature of the coco-de-mer was behind a rapid<br />

spread of venereal diseases from the Seychelles<br />

Loeselia, loeselii for Johann Loesel (1607–57), author of Flora Prussica<br />

loeseneri for Dr L. E. T. Loesene (1865–1941), German botanist<br />

Logania, loganii for James Logan (1674–1751), Irish Governor of Pennsylvania and<br />

author of Experimenta de plantarum generatione (Loganiaceae)<br />

loganobaccus -a -um Logan’s berry, after the developer Judge James Harvey Logan<br />

(1841–1928), of Santa Cruz, California<br />

Loiseleuria for Jean Louis August Loiseleur-Deslongchamps (1774–1849), French<br />

botanist and physician<br />

loliaceus -a -um resembling Lolium<br />

Lolium a name in Virgil for a weed grass (Italian, loglio)<br />

loma-, -loma -fringe, -border, hem, edge- lwma (the name Loma applies also to<br />

Peruvian grass steppe, Argentinian ‘slopes’, a W African tribe, and a Dominican<br />

Republic peak)<br />

Lomandra Edged-anthers, lwma-(anhr, androj)<br />

Lomaria Bordered, lwma (the marginal sori)<br />

lomariifolius -a -um having leaves resembling fronds of Lomaria, Lomaria-folium<br />

Lomariopsis Lomaria-like, Lomaria-opsis (Lomariopsidaceae)<br />

Lomatia Fringed, lwma (the seeds are bordered with a wing)<br />

Lomatium Fringed, lwma (the winged seeds)<br />

lomensis -is -e from Lome, Togo, W Africa<br />

lomentiferus -a -um bearing constricted pods that break up into one seeded portions,<br />

lomentum-fero (literally, bearing bean meal)<br />

Lonchitis, lonchitis -is -e lance-shaped, shaped like a spear, logxh (a name, logxitij,<br />

used by Dioscorides for an orchid)<br />

lonchitoides resembling Lonchitis, Lonchitis-oides<br />

loncho- lance-, logxh<br />

Lonchocarpus Lance-fruit, logxh-karpoj, (the flat, indehiscent pods)<br />

lonchophyllus -a -um with spear-like leaves, logxh-fullon<br />

londinensis -os -e from London (Londinium)<br />

longaevus -a -um long-maturing, aged, longaevus (monocarpic after several tens of<br />

years)<br />

longan, longanus -a -um from an Indian vernacular name, linkeng or longyen, for<br />

the fruit of Euphoria longana<br />

longe-, longi- elongated-, long-, longe<br />

longebracteatus -a -um with long bracts, longe-bracteatus<br />

longeracemosus -a -um with long racemes, longe-racemosus<br />

longesquamatus -a -um with long scales, longe-squamata<br />

longiauritus -a -um with long ears, longe-auritus (basal lobes)<br />

longibarabatus -a -um long-bearded, longe-barbatus<br />

longibracteatus -a -um with long bracts, longe-bracteatus<br />

longibulbus -a -um having elongate bulbs, longe-bulbus<br />

longicalcaratus -a -um having long spurs, longe-(calcar, calcaris)<br />

longicalyx with an elongate calyx, longe-calyx<br />

longicauda long-tailed, with a long appendage, longe-caudatus<br />

longicaulis -is -e long-stemmed, longe-caulis (usually clear-stemmed)<br />

longicollis -is -e having a long neck, longe-collum<br />

longicornu, cornutus -a -um with long horns, longe-cornu<br />

longicuspis -is -e with long cusps, longe-cuspis (i.e. a small but pronounced apical<br />

point)<br />

longicystis -is -e with a long cystidioles, longe-(kustij) cystis (sterile cells amongst<br />

spore-producing basidia)<br />


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