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Glossary<br />

lingularis -is -e, lingulatus -a -um, linguus -a -um tongue-shaped, lingulate, lingua,<br />

linguae (Linguus was a name in Pliny)<br />

linicolus -a -um of flax-fields, living in flax fields, linum-colo<br />

liniflorus -a -um flax-flowered, Linum-florum<br />

linifolius -a -um flax-leaved, with leaves resembling Linum, Linum-folium<br />

linitus -a -um smeared, lino, linere, levi, litum<br />

Linnaea by Gronovius, at request of Carolus Linnaeus, for its lowly, insignificant<br />

and transient nature<br />

linnaeanus -a -um, linnaei for Carolus Linnaeus (1707–78)<br />

linnaeoides resembling Linnaea, Linnaea-oides<br />

linoides flax-like, resembling Linum, linon-oeidhj<br />

Linosyris, linosyris Osyris’-flax, an old generic name by l’Obel, linon-osurij<br />

( Chrysocoma)<br />

lintearius -a -um resembling weaving, linteum, lintei (gauze or lace-bark)<br />

Linum the ancient name for flax, linon, linum (Linaceae)<br />

lio- smooth-, leioj, leioliolaenus<br />

-a -um smooth-cloaked, glabrous, leio-(x)laina<br />

Liparia Shining, liparoj (for the shining leaves), liparoj, shining, oily, fat, greasy<br />

Liparis Shining, liparoj (the shining leaf-texture)<br />

liparocarpus -a -um smooth- or oily-fruited, lipoj-karpoj<br />

lipo- grease-, oil-, fat-, lipoj, lipo-<br />

Lipocarpha Greasy-stem, lipoj-karfh<br />

Lippia for Augustin Lippi (1678–1701), French/Italian naturalist<br />

lipsicus -a -um from Leipzig, Germany (Lipsia)<br />

lipsiensis -is -e from Lipsoi, Greece<br />

Liquidambar Liquid-amber, liquidus ambar (the fragrant resin, balsamum liquidambrae,<br />

from the bark of sweet gum, Liquidambar styraciflua)<br />

liratus -a -um ridged, having a ridge, lira<br />

lirelli- with a central furrow-, lira<br />

lirio- lily-white-, lirion, leirio-<br />

Liriodendron Lily-tree, leirio-dendron (the showy flowers of the tulip tree)<br />

Liriope for one of the Nymphs of Greek mythology, (liriopipium is the tail-end of an<br />

academic hood)<br />

Lisianthus (Lisyanthus) Divorce, lusij-anqoj (the intense bitterness of the flowers,<br />

Eustoma)<br />

liss-, lisso- smooth-, lij, lissoj, lisso-<br />

Lissochilus Smooth-lip, lisso-xeiloj (of the corolla)<br />

lissopleurus -a -um having smooth nerves or ridges, lisso-pleura<br />

lissospermus -a -um having smooth seeds, lisso-sperma<br />

listadus -a -um praying, in prayer, lissomai, to pray or beg (the bracts are held<br />

together)<br />

Listera for Dr Martin Lister (1638–1712), physician to Queen Anne and pioneer<br />

palaeontologist<br />

listeri for J. L. Lister of the Bhoton Cinchona Association c. 1898<br />

listrophorus -a -um bearing spade-like structures, listron-forew<br />

Listrostachys Spade-ear, listron-staxuj (the quadrate lip)<br />

litangensis -is -e from Litang, W China<br />

Litchi from the Mandarin vernacular name, li chih<br />

literatus -a -um with the appearance of being written upon, littera, litterae,<br />

litteratus<br />

lithicolus -a -um living on or amongst stones, botanical Latin from liqoj and colo<br />

litho- stone-, liqoj, liqo-, liqi-<br />

Lithocarpus Stone-fruit, liqo-karpoj (the hard shell of Lithocarpus javensis)<br />

Lithodora Stone-skinned, liqo-dora (the fruits, Lithocarpus)<br />

lithophilus -a -um living in stony places, stone-loving, liqo-filoj<br />

Lithophragma Stone-wall, liqo-fragma (the habitat of some)<br />

lithophytus -a -um stone-plant, liqo-futon (mimetic form and habitat)<br />


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