The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

leonis -is -e toothed or coloured like a lion, leo, leonis<br />

Leonotis Lion’s-ear, lewn-wtoj<br />

Leontice Lion’s (-footprint) (the shape of the leaf) (Leonticaceae)<br />

leontinus -a -um from Leontini, Sicily<br />

leonto- lion’s-, leontoj, leonto-, leo, leonis<br />

Leontodon, leontodon Lion’s-tooth, leonto-odwn<br />

Leontopodium, leontopodium Lion’s-foot, leonto-podion<br />

Leonurus, leonurus Lion’s-tail, lewn-oura (Leonurus cardiaca is a motherwort)<br />

leopardinus -a -um conspicuously spotted, leopard-like, leopardoj, leopardus<br />

Lepidagathis Scaly-Agathis, lepij-agaqij<br />

lepidanthus -a -um having scaly flowers, lepij-anqoj<br />

Lepidium Little-scale, diminutive of lepij (Dioscorides’ name, lepidion, for a cress,<br />

refers to the fruit)<br />

lepido-, lepiro- flaky-, scaly-, lepij, lepidoj, lepido-, lepid- (the scales may be<br />

minute as on butterflies’ and moths’ wings)<br />

lepidobalanus scaly acorn, lepido-balanoj (the scaly cupules)<br />

Lepidobotrys Scale-cluster, lepido-botruj (the flowers emerge from strobilus-like<br />

groups of subtending bracts)<br />

lepidocarpos, lepidocarpus -a -um having scaly fruits, lepido-karpoj<br />

lepidocaulon with a scaly stem, lepido-kauloj<br />

lepidophyllus -a -um with scaly leaf surfaces, lepido-fullon<br />

lepidopteris -is -a scale-winged, lepido-pteruc<br />

lepidopus -a -um scaly-stalked, lepido-pouj<br />

lepidostylus -a -um having scales on the style, lepido-stuloj<br />

Lepidothamnus Scaly-shrub, lepido-qamnoj<br />

Lepidotis Scaly, (lepij, lepidoj)-wtoj<br />

lepidotus -a -um scurfy, scaly, lepidote, lepidwtoj<br />

Lepidozamia Scaled-Zamia<br />

lepidus -a -um neat, elegant, graceful, lepidus, lepide<br />

Lepigonum Scaly-nodes, lepi-gonu, or Scale-seed, lepi-gonoj ( Spergularia)<br />

Lepiota Scaly-ear, lepi-(ouj, wtoj)<br />

-lepis -scaly, -scaled, -lepij<br />

Lepistemon Stamen-scale, lepij-sthmwn (the scale on the corolla, below the insertion<br />

of each stamen)<br />

Lepiurus Scale-tail, lepi-oura (the inflorescence of sea hard grass, cf. Pholiurus)<br />

leporinus -a -um hare-like, lepus, leporis (Carex leporinus spikes suggest hare’s paws)<br />

leprosus -a -um scurfy, leprosied, lepra, leproj<br />

lept-, lepta-, lepto- husk-free-, slender-, fine-, small-, delicate-, leptoj, lepto-, leptleptacanthus<br />

-a -um having slender or weak spines, leptoj-akanqoj<br />

Leptactinia Slender-rayed, leptoj-aktinoj (the circlet of fine corolla lobes)<br />

Leptadenia Slender-glanded, leptoj-adhn (on the staminal column)<br />

leptandrus -a -um with slender stamens, lept-anhr<br />

leptanthus -a -um with delicate or slender flowers, lept-anqoj<br />

Leptarrhenia Small-male, lept-arrhn<br />

Leptaspis Small-shield, lept-aspij (the short glumes of male florets)<br />

Leptinella Small-slender-one, feminine diminutive from leptoj<br />

leptocarpus -a -um having small fruits, lepto-karpoj<br />

leptocaulis -is -e having a slender stalk, lepto-kauloj<br />

leptocephalus -a -um small-headed, lepto-kefalh (the small pileus)<br />

leptoceras having a slender horn, lepto-keraj (nectary)<br />

leptochilus -a -um with a slender lip, lepto-xeiloj<br />

Leptochloa Delicate-grass, lepto-xloh<br />

leptoclados with slender shoots, lepto-kladoj<br />

Leptodactylon Slender-fingered, lepto-daktuloj (the digitate leaf segments)<br />

Leptodermis Thin-skin, lepto-derma (the inner fruit-wall)<br />

Leptodontium Fine-toothed, lepto-odontoj<br />

Leptoglossa Thin-tongue, lepto-glwssa<br />


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