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Glossary<br />

larpentae, larpentiae for Lady Larpent of Roehampton, c. 1846<br />

lascivius -a -um running wild, impudent, lustful, lascivo, lascivire<br />

Laser a Latin name for several umbellifers (laserpicium, silphium)<br />

laserpitifolius -a -um with Laserpitium-like leaves, Laserpitium-folium<br />

Laserpitium an ancient Latin name, laserpicium, laserpicii for silphium<br />

lasi-, lasio- shaggy-, rough-, woolly-, lasioj, lasiolasiacanthus<br />

-a -um having hairy spines, lasi-akanqoj<br />

lasiagrostis shaggy Agrostis, lasij-agrwstij<br />

Lasiandra, lasiandrus -a -um with shaggy haired stamens, lasioj-anhr<br />

( Tibouchina)<br />

Lasianthus, lasianthos, lasianthus -a -um Shaggy-flowered, lasi-anqoj<br />

lasiocarpus -a -um having woolly fruits, lasio-karpoj<br />

Lasiocaryum Woolly-nut, lasio-karuon<br />

lasiocladus -a -um with shaggy branches, lasio-kladoj<br />

lasiogynis -is -e, lasiogynus -a -um having a woolly ovary, lasio-gunh<br />

lasiolaenus -a -um shaggy-cloaked, woolly-coated, lasio-(x)lainoj<br />

Lasiopetalum Woolly-petals, lasio-petalon (the sepals are downy and petaloid)<br />

lasiophyllus -a -um with woolly leaves, lasio-fullon<br />

lasiostipes having a woolly stem, botanical Latin from lasio and stipes<br />

lasiostylus -a -um with woolly styles, lasio-stuloj<br />

lasiosus -a -um very shaggy-haired, lasioj<br />

Lasiurus Woolly-tailed, lasi-oura (the densely villous racemes)<br />

Lastrea for Charles Jean Louis de Lastre (1792–1859), French botanical writer<br />

lataevirens see laetevirens<br />

latakiensis -is -e from Al Ladhiqiyah (Latakia), NW Syria<br />

Latania Mauritian vernacular name for Mascarene palm<br />

latebrosus -a -um (lataebrosus) porous, full of hiding places, latebra, latebrae<br />

lateralis -is -e, lateri- on the side, laterally-, latus, lateris; lateralis<br />

latericius -a -um brick-red, later, lateris bricks<br />

lateriflorus -a -um with a one-sided inflorescence, latus-florum<br />

laterifolius -a -um growing to the side of a leaf, latus-folium<br />

laterinervius -a -um straight-veined, latus-nervus<br />

lateritius -a -um brick-red, later, lateris bricks<br />

Lathraea Clandestine, laqraioj (Lathraea clandestina is a root parasite, inconspicuous<br />

until flowering time)<br />

lathyris the ancient name for a kind of spurge (Euphorbia lathyris)<br />

lathyroides resembling Lathyrus, Lathyrus-oides<br />

Lathyrus the ancient name, laquroj, for the chickling pea (Lathyrus sativus) used<br />

by <strong>The</strong>ophrastus, law-qourioj grasping enthusiastically<br />

lati-, latisi- broad-, wide-, latus<br />

laticeps having a wide head, latus-ceps (inflorescence)<br />

latici- latex-, juice-, latex, laticis<br />

laticostatus -a -um having broad veins, latus-(costa, costae)<br />

latidens broad-toothed, latus-dens<br />

latiflorus -a -um having wide flowers, latus-florum<br />

latifolius -a -um with broad leaves, latus-folium<br />

latifrons with broad fronds, latus-frons<br />

latiglumis -is -e having broad glumes, latus-gluma<br />

latilobus -a -um broad lobed, latus-lobus<br />

latinus -a -um, latius -a -um of Latium, the ancient Italian district that included Rome<br />

(Latinus was the king of the Latins, in mythology)<br />

latipes broad-stalked, thick-stemmed, latus-pes<br />

latisectus -a -um with broad divisions or cuts, past participle of seco, secare, secui,<br />

sectum<br />

latissimus -a -um very broad, superlative of latus<br />

latiusculus -a -um somewhat broad, latus with diminutive suffix<br />

latobrigorum from the area of the Latobrigi, Rhinelands people or Belgic Gauls<br />


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