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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

juliflorus -a -um silken-flowered, julibrissin-florum<br />

juliformis -is -e downy, julibrissin-forma<br />

julii for Julius Derenberg of Hamburg, succulent grower<br />

Jumellea, Jumelleanthus for Henri Lucien Jumelle (1866–1935), French botanist<br />

Juncago Slender-rush, feminine suffix on juncus (Tournefort’s name for Triglochin)<br />

(Juncaginaceae)<br />

junceiformis -is -e resembling (Agropyron) junceum, or resembling Juncus<br />

juncellus -a -um like a small rush, diminutive of Juncus<br />

junceus -a -um, juncei-, junci- rush-like, resembling Juncus<br />

juncifolius -a -um rush leaved, Juncus-folium<br />

juncorus -a -um of rushes, living on Juncus (Livia, homopteran, psyllid gall insect)<br />

Juncus Binder, iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctum (classical Latin name refers to use of<br />

rushes for weaving and basketry) (Juncaceae)<br />

jungens linking, joining together, present participle of iungo, iungere, iunxi,<br />

iunctum<br />

Jungia for Joachim Jung (1587–1657), German polymath who made early landmarks<br />

in plant terminology and nomenclature<br />

juninensis -is -e from Junin department, central Peru<br />

junipericolus -a -um living on Juniperus, Juniperus-colo<br />

juniperifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Juniperus<br />

juniperinus -a -um bluish-brown, juniper-like, resembling Juniperus or its berry<br />

colour, living on Juniperus (Oligotrophus, dipteran gall midge)<br />

juniperoides resembling Juniperus<br />

Juniperus the ancient Latin name, iuniperus (with cognates such as Juncus, for<br />

binding, Geneva and gin)<br />

junonia, junonis -is -e, junos for the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter<br />

juranus -a -um from the Jura mountains, France–Switzerland<br />

jurassicus -a -um from the Jura mountains, France–Switzerland<br />

Jurinea for Louis Jurine (1751–1819), Professor of Medicine<br />

juruanensis -is -e from the environs of the Juruá river that joins the Solemöes<br />

(Amazon) river at Tamaniquá<br />

Jussieua (Jussiaea), jussieui for Bernard de Jussieu (1699–1777) who made a major<br />

contribution to establishing the concept of the taxonomic species and of natural<br />

classification<br />

Justicia for James Justice (1698–1763), Scottish legal clerk and horticulturalist<br />

Juttadinteria for Jutta Dinter, wife of German botanist Moritz Kurt Dinter<br />

juvenalis -is -e youthful, iuvenilis; for Juvenal the Roman satirist (descriptive of the<br />

juvenile phase of plants that go on to adopt a mature phase with distinct morphological<br />

and biological features, Hedera, Retinopspora, Chamaecyparis)<br />

Kabulia from Kabul, Afghanistan<br />

Kadsura from the Japanese vernacular name for Kadsura japonica<br />

Kaempferia, kaempferi for Engelbert (Englebrecht) Kaempfer (1651–1715), German<br />

physician and botanist, of the Swedish Embassy to Persia, author of Amoenitatum<br />

exoticarum (1712)<br />

kahiricus -a -um from Cairo, Egypt (El Qahirah)<br />

kaido a Japanese name for Malus micromalus (spectabilis ringo)<br />

kaki from the Japanese name, kaki-no-ki, for persimmon (Diospyros kaki)<br />

Kalaharia from the Kalahari desert of Namibia, SW Africa<br />

Kalanchoe from a Chinese vernacular name<br />

kalbreyeri for M. W. Kalbreyer (1847–1912), collector for Veitch in W Africa and<br />

Brazil<br />

kali, kali- either from the Persian for a carpet, or a reference to the ashes of saltworts<br />

being alkaline (al-kali); cognate with kalium (Potassium)<br />

Kalimeris Beautiful-parts, kaloj-merij<br />

Kaliphora Bearer-of-beauty, kaloj-fora<br />


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