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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

iseanus -a -um, isensis -is -e from Ise-shima national park, Honshu, Japan<br />

Iseilema Equal-covers, is-eiluma<br />

Isertia for Paul Erdmann Isert (1756–89), Danish doctor in W Africa and Guiana<br />

Isidorea for Isidorus Hispalensis (560–636), Bishop of Seville, author of the encyclopaedic<br />

Etymologiarum<br />

Isidrogalvia for Isidro Galvez<br />

islandicus -a -um from Iceland, Icelandic<br />

islayensis -is -e from Islay region, S Peru<br />

Ismene for Ismene, the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta ( Hymenocalis)<br />

Isnardia for A. T. Danty d’Isnard (1663–1743), professor of botany at Paris<br />

iso- equal-, isoj, isoisobasis<br />

-is -e equal-footed; equal-founded, with regular bases, iso-basij<br />

Isoberlinia Equal-to-Berlinia, botanical Latin from iso and Berlinia (related genus)<br />

Isocheilus Equal-lip, iso-xeiloj (the laterals equal the labellum)<br />

Isodendron Equal-to-a-tree, iso-dendron (arborescent Violaceae)<br />

Isodictyophorus Bearing -regular-net, iso-diktuon-ferw (Isodictyophorus reticulatus)<br />

Isoëtes Equal-to-a-year, iso-etoj (Pliny’s name, isoetes, implies green throughout<br />

the year) (Isoetaceae)<br />

isoetifolius -a -um having leaves similar to those of Isoetes, isoetes-folium<br />

Isoetopsis Resembling-Isoetes, iso-etoj-oyij (physical similarity)<br />

Isoglossa Equal-tongued-one, iso-glwssa<br />

Isolepis Equal-scales, iso-lepij (the upper and lower glumes, Scirpus)<br />

Isoloma Equal-border, iso-lwma (the equal lobes of the perianth)<br />

Isolona Equal-petals, iso-lwna (the equal petals); some interpret as Equal-to-<br />

Annona (related genus)<br />

Isomeris, isomeris -is -e Equal-parts, iso-meroj (floral parts not equal; malodorous<br />

throughout)<br />

Isometrum Equal-dimension, iso-metron (very regular symmetry)<br />

Isonandra Equal-stamens, iso-anhr (equal numbers of fertile and sterile stamens)<br />

Isonema Equal-threads, iso-nhma (the exerted stamens)<br />

isopetalus -a -um having uniformly shaped petals, iso-petalon<br />

isophyllus -a -um equal-leaved, uniformly leaved, iso-fullon<br />

Isophysis Equal-parts, iso-fusij<br />

Isoplexis Equal-folds, iso-plekw (upper corolla lobe and the lip)<br />

Isopogon Equal-beard, iso-pwgwn (fringed flowers)<br />

isopyroides resembling Isopyrum, Isopyrum-oides<br />

Isopyrum Equalling-wheat, iso-puroj (fruits similar to wheat grains)<br />

Isotoma Equal-division, iso-tomh (the equal corolla segments, Lobelia)<br />

Isotria Three-equal, iso-(treij, tria) or Equal-triad, iso-triaj (the sepals)<br />

Isotropis Equal-keeled, iso-tropij (the carina)<br />

israeliticus -a -um of the Israelites<br />

issicus -a -um from Issus, Cilicia, Turkey<br />

-issimus -a -um -est, -the best, -the most (superlative suffix)<br />

-ister -ra -rum see -aster (this suffix is added to genera based on a vowel stem, e.g.<br />

Sinapistrum, sinapi-istrum)<br />

Isthmia Girdle, isqmoj (the diatom’s necklace-like band)<br />

isthmius -a -um necklaced, isqmion<br />

istria, istriacus -a -um from Istria, Croatia<br />

itabiritensis -is -e from Itabira, the Iron Mountain area, Minas Gerais, Brazil<br />

italicus -a -um from Italy, Italian (Italia)<br />

itatiaiae from the Pico de Itatiaia, Itatiaia national park, Brazil<br />

Itea Greek, itea, for a willow (Iteaceae)<br />

iteaphyllus -a -um, iteophyllus willow-leaved, iteo-fullon<br />

iteratus -a -um repeated, iteratus (growth cycle)<br />

-ites,-itis -closely resembling, -having, -related to, -ithj, -itij<br />

ithy- straight-, erect-, iquj, euquj<br />

Ithycaulon straight-stemmed, iquj-kauloj<br />


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