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Glossary<br />

Ipomopsis Resembling-Ipomoea, iy-omoioj-oyij; some interpret as Conspicuous,<br />

upom-oyij<br />

iquiquensis -is -e from Iquique, N Chile<br />

Iranecio Iranian-plant-resembling-Senecio<br />

iranicus -a -um from Iran, Iranian<br />

ircutianus -a -um from Irkutsk province, W and N of Lake Baikal, Russia<br />

irenaeus -a -um peaceful, eirhnaioj (Irene was the goddess of peace)<br />

Iresine Woolly, eiroj (the indumentum on the flowers)<br />

Iriartea for Don Bernardo de Yriarte, eighteenth-century Spanish botanist and<br />

patron of science<br />

iricolor of Iris colours, iris-color<br />

iricus -a -um from Ireland, Irish (Eire)<br />

iridescens iridescent, iris-essentia (having many colours when seen from different<br />

angles)<br />

iridi- rainbow-coloured, Iris-like, irij, iridoj, iris, iridis<br />

iridiflorus -a -um Iris-flowered, iridi-florum<br />

iridioides similar to Iris, iridoj-oeidhj, Iris-oides<br />

Iridodictyum Iris-net, iridoj-diktuon ( Iris of the section Reticulata)<br />

Iridosma Iris-scented. (irij, iridoj)-(odmh, osmh)<br />

irio the name in Pliny for a cruciferous plant (sisumbrion of the Greeks)<br />

Iris the name, Iris, of the mythological messenger of the gods of the rainbow,<br />

cognate with orris (Iridaceae)<br />

irisanus -a -um from Irisan, Luzon, Philippines<br />

irradians irradiating, shining out, present participle of ir-(radio, radiare)<br />

irrasus -a -um unshaven, rough, stubbly, irrasus<br />

irregularis not of the rules, with irregularly sized parts, ir-(regula, regulae) (floral<br />

organs)<br />

irrigatus -a -um of wet places, watered, flooded, irrigo, irrigare, irrigavi, irrigatum<br />

irriguus -a -um watered, watery, irriguus (has clammy hairs)<br />

irritabilis -is -e sensitive, excitable, irritabilis<br />

irritans causing irritation, present participle of irrito, irritare, irritavi, irritatum<br />

irroratus -a -um bedewed, dewy, irroro, irrorare (to bedew)<br />

Irvingia, irvingii for Dr Edward George Irving (1816–55), Scottish surgeon and collector<br />

in S Nigeria (Irvingiaceae)<br />

Isabella for Isabel Countess d’Eu, Brazilian patroness of science<br />

isabellae for Isabel Forrest, daughter of the plant collector, George Forrest<br />

isabellinus -a -um drab-yellowish, tawny-grey, uncomplimentarily for Isabella<br />

(1451–1504), Queen of Spain<br />

Isachne Equal-scales, iso-axnh (the lemmas in some are identical)<br />

isandrus -a -um equal-stamened, with equal stamens, iso-anhr<br />

isatidea like Isatis<br />

Isatis Hippocrates’ and Dioscorides’ name, isatij, for woad (the Latin name was<br />

Glastum)<br />

isauricus -a -um from Isauria, Anatolia, the birthplace of the Byzantine emperor<br />

Zeno (Isaurian Ascendancy 474–491)<br />

Ischaemum, ischaemum Blood-stopper, isxanw-aima (a name in Pliny for its styptic<br />

property)<br />

Ischnoderma Thin-skinned-one, isxnoj-derma (resin exudes)<br />

Ischnogyne Slender-ovary, isxnoj-gunh (the column)<br />

Ischnolepis Slender-scaled-one, isxnoj-lepij (coronnal scales)<br />

ischnophyllus -a -um having thin, weak or dry leaves, isxnoj-fullon<br />

ischnopodus -a -um slender-stalked, isxnoj-(pouj, podoj)<br />

ischnopus -a -um thin stalked, with slender stems, isxnoj-pouj<br />

Ischnosiphon Slender-tubed-one, isxnoj-sifon (the hollow stems)<br />

Ischnostemma Slender-crown, isxnoj-stemma<br />

Ischyrolepis Strongly-scaled, isxuroj-lepij<br />

-iscus -a -um -lesser (diminutive suffix)<br />


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