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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Inula a name, enula campana, in Pliny for Inula helenium, elecampane; some derive<br />

it as cognate with elenion<br />

Inulanthera Inula-bloomed, botanical Latin from Inula and anqeroj<br />

inuncans covered with hooked hairs or glochidia, in-uncus<br />

inunctus -a -um having an oily surface, anointed, inunguo, inunguere, inunxi,<br />

inunctum<br />

inundatus -a -um of marshes or places which flood periodically, flooded, inundo,<br />

inundare, inundavi, inundatum<br />

-inus -a -um -ine, -ish, -like, -resembling, -from, (adjectival suffix to a noun)<br />

inutilis -is -e harmful, useless, inutilis<br />

invaginatus -a -um enclosed in a sheath, in-vagina<br />

invasorius -a -um invasive, invado, invadere, invasi, invasum<br />

invenustus -a -um lacking charm, unattractive, invenustus<br />

inversus -a -um turned over, inverted, inverto, invertere, inverti, inversum<br />

invisus -a -um detested, hostile; not obvious, not visible, invisus (creeping below<br />

other vegetation)<br />

involucratus -a -um surrounded with bracts, involucrate, with an involucre, involucrum<br />

(the flowers)<br />

involutus -a -um obscured, rolled inwards, involute, involvo, involvere, involvi, involutum<br />

involvens entangling, enveloping, wrapping up, present participle of involvo,<br />

involvere, involvi, involutum<br />

iocastus -a -um for Jocasta, mother and wife of Oedipus<br />

Iocenes an anagram of the related genus, Senecio<br />

Iochroma Violet-colour, io-xrwma (flower colour)<br />

Iodanthus, iodanthus -a -um Violet-flowered, iodo-anqoj<br />

Iodes, iodes Violet-like, violet-coloured, iwdhj, resembling Viola, ion-(eidej, wdhj)<br />

(late Latin from the colour of iodine vapour, iod-ine)<br />

Iodina, iodinus -a -um violet-coloured, iodinoj, adjectival suffix -inoj<br />

Iodocephalus Iodine-coloured-head, iodo-kefalh (violet-brown)<br />

ioensis -is -e from Iowa, USA<br />

ioessus -a -um violet-coloured, ioeij<br />

ion-, iono- violet-, ion- (formerly used for various plants with fragrant flowers, e.g.<br />

stock, or wallflower)<br />

-ion -occurring<br />

Ionacanthus Violet-Acanthus, ion-akanqa<br />

Ionactis Violet-rayed, ion-(aktij, aktinoj)<br />

ionandrus -a -um having violet stamens, ion-anhr<br />

ionantherus -a -um, ionanthes violet-flowered, ion-anqhroj<br />

ionanthus -a -um with violet-coloured flowers, ion-anqoj<br />

ionenis -is -e of the Iones, from the Ionian islands or sea, W Greece<br />

ionicus -a -um from the Ionian islands, W Greece, Ionia<br />

ionidiflorus -a -um having violet-like flowers, botanical Latin from ion and florum<br />

Ionidium Violet-like, ion-oeidhj<br />

ionochlorus -a -um violet-green, ion-xlwroj (variable ochreous bluish green<br />

colouration)<br />

ionophthalus -a -um violet-eyed, ion-ofqalmoj<br />

Ionopsidium Appearing-like a-small-violet, ion-oyij (diminutive suffix)<br />

Ionopsis Violet-looking, ion-oyij (flower colour of violet cress)<br />

ionosmus -a -um violet-scented, ion-osmh<br />

Iostephane Violet-crown, io-(stefnoj, stefanh)<br />

ipecacuanha a Tupi vernacular name, ipekaaguebe, for the drug used against<br />

dysentery from the rhizomes of Cephaelis ipecacuanha<br />

Ipheion a name, ifuon, used by <strong>The</strong>ophrastus (ifioj strong or fat)<br />

Iphigenia Valiant-occurrence, ifi-genea (for the deep crimson flowers); in mythology,<br />

Iphigenia was the brave daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra<br />

Ipomoea Worm-resembling, iy-omoioj (the sinuous twining stems)<br />


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