The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Hymenoxys Pointed-membrane, umenoj-ocuj<br />

hyo- pig-, hog-, swine-, uj, uoj, uo-<br />

Hyobanche Pig-strangler, uo-agxw (total parasite)<br />

Hyophorbe Pig-fodder, uo-forbh (pigs are fed on the fruit)<br />

Hyoscyamus Hog-bean, uj-kuamoj (a derogatory name, uojkuamoj, used by<br />

Dioscorides; Pliny refers to henbane’s poisonous nature)<br />

Hyoseris Pig-salad, uo-serij (swine’s succory)<br />

hypanicus -a -um from the region of the Hypanis river, Ukraine<br />

hyparcticus -a -um beneath the arctic, sub-arctic, botanical Latin from up-arktoj<br />

(hypo-arctic distribution)<br />

hypargeius -a -um shining white below, upo-arghj (lower leaf surfaces)<br />

hypargenteus -a -um having silvery undersides, botanical Latin from upo and<br />

argentum<br />

hypargyreus -a -um silvery beneath, upo-arguroj<br />

Hyparrhenia Male-beneath, up-arrhn (the arrangement of the spikelets)<br />

Hypecoum Rattle, upexeo (Dioscorides’ name, upekown, for the loose seeds in the<br />

flat curved pods) (Hypecoaceae)<br />

Hypelate a name in Pliny for a holly, re-used by P. Brown for inkwood<br />

hyper- above-, over-, uper-<br />

Hyperacanthus Thorned-above, uper-akanqoj<br />

hyperacrion beyond the heights, uper-akra<br />

hyperaizoon above, or better than, (Sedum) aizoon<br />

hyperanthus -a -um with bearded flowers, uper-anqoj<br />

hyperboreus -a -um beyond the north wind, of the far north, northern, uper-boreaj<br />

hyperici- Hypericum-likehypericifolius<br />

-a -um having leaves similar to those of Hypericum<br />

hypericoides resembling Hypericum<br />

Hypericophyllum Hypericum-leaved, uper-eikwn-fullon<br />

Hypericopsis Resembling-Hypericum, uper-eikwn-oyij<br />

Hypericum Above-pictures, uper-eikwn (Dioscorides’ name, upereikon, for its use<br />

over shrines to repel evil spirits); some derive it from up-ereike, from heath-like<br />

habitats (Hypericaceae)<br />

Hyperthelia Female-below, uper-qhluj (spikelet arrangement)<br />

hypertrophicus -a -um hypertrophied, misshapen, abnormally enlarged, upertrofij<br />

hyperythrus -a -um having reddish undersurfaces, up-eruqroj<br />

hyphaematicus -a -um composed of interwoven threads, uper-matikh<br />

Hyphaene Entwined-one, ufaino (the entwining fibres in the fruit wall)<br />

Hypholoma thread-fringe, ufh-lwma<br />

hypnicolus -a -um living on and with mosses, botanical Latin from upnoj and colo<br />

hypnoides moss-like, Hypnum-oides<br />

hypnophilus -a -um liking mossy habitats, upnoj-filew<br />

Hypnum Sleep, upnoj<br />

hypo- under-, by-, through-, beneath-, upo-<br />

Hypobathrum Below-a-step, upo-baqron (one seed is superposed on the other)<br />

Hypocalymma Beneath-a-veil, upo-kalumma (the deciduous calyx)<br />

Hypocalyptus Enveloped-in-a-veil, upo-kaluptoj<br />

hypochaeonius -a -um growing under snow, upo-(xiwn, xionoj)<br />

hypochaeridis -is -e of cat’s ear, living on Hypochaeris (Phanacis, gall wasp)<br />

Hypochaeris (Hypochoeris) a name, upoxoirij, used by <strong>The</strong>ophrastus; some suggest<br />

derivation as upw-xouroj, comparing the pig’s belly bristles to those on the<br />

abaxial surface of some species<br />

hypochaeroides (hypochoeroides) resembling Hypochaeris, Hypochaeris-oides<br />

hypochlorus -a -um green beneath, upo-xlwroj<br />

hypochondriacus -a -um sombre, melancholy, upokondriakoj (colour) (upo-xondroj<br />

is the soft area below the sternal cartilage; melancholy was supposed to be<br />

located in the liver)<br />


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