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Glossary<br />

Helobiae Marsh-life, eloj-biow<br />

Helodea vide Elodea<br />

helodes marshy, growing in marshes, elwdhj<br />

helodoxus -a -um marsh-beauty, glory of the marsh, elo-doca<br />

Helonias Swamp-pasture, eloj-nomh<br />

Heloniopsis resembling Helonias, eloj-oyij<br />

helophorus -a -um thicket-forming, eloj-forew<br />

Helosciadium Marsh-umbel, elo-skiadeion<br />

Helosis Marsh, eloj<br />

helveticus -a -um from Switzerland, Swiss (Helvetia)<br />

helvolus -a -um pale yellowish-brown, helvus<br />

helvus -a -um dimly yellow, honey-coloured, dun-coloured, helvus<br />

Helwingia for George Andreas Helwing (1666–1748), Prussian cleric, botanist and<br />

botanical writer<br />

Helxine a name, elcinh, used by Dioscorides formerly for pellitory<br />

Hemarthria Half-joined, hmi-arqron (the pedicels are fused to the rachis)<br />

Hemerocallis Day-beauty, hmero-kaloj, the Greek name, hmerokallej (reflects that<br />

the flowers are short-lived)<br />

hemi- half-, hmi, hemi- (used in the sense of looking-like, or half-way-to)<br />

Hemiandra Halved-male, hmi-androj (the dimidiate stamens)<br />

Hemiboea Half-Boea, hemi-boea, (a related genus)<br />

Hemibotrya Half-cluster, hmi-botruj (staminate flowers have aborted ovules – and<br />

pistillate flowers have sterile anthers) (section of Saxifraga)<br />

Hemichaena Half-agape, hmi-xaina (the mouth of the corolla)<br />

Hemichroa Half-coloured, hmi-xroa<br />

hemicryptus -a -um half- or partially concealed, hmi-kruptoj<br />

hemidartus -a -um patchily covered with hair, half-flayed, hmi-dartoj<br />

Hemidesmus Half-banded, hmi-desma<br />

Hemidictyum Half-netted, hmi-diktuon<br />

Hemigenia Half-home, hmi-genea (the androecium lacks two stamens)<br />

Hemigraphis Half-writing, hmi-grafij (the filaments of the outer stamens bear<br />

‘brushes’)<br />

Hemimeris Half-portioned, hmi-merij (the two apparent halves of each flower)<br />

hemionitideus -a -um barren, like a mule, hmi-onoj, hemicillus<br />

Hemionitis, hemionitis Mule, hmi-onoj, half an ass (barren-fern, non-flowering)<br />

Hemiorchis Half-orchis(-like), hmi-orxij (distinctive zingiberaceous flower<br />

structures)<br />

hemiphloius -a -um partially covered in bark, hmi-floioj (stripping bark)<br />

Hemiphragma Half-separated, hmi-fragma (the ovarian septum)<br />

Hemipilia Half-felt-covered, hmi-piloj (the partially covered pollinia)<br />

hemipoa half-Poa, hmi-poa<br />

Hemipogon Half-bearded, hmi-pwgwn (the anthers)<br />

Hemiptelea Half-elm, hmi-ptelea (the fruit has a crest-like wing only in the upper half)<br />

Hemisphace name, hmi-sfakoj, of a section of Salvia, perhaps sedi incertis<br />

hemisphaericus -a -um hemispherical, hmi-sfaira (fruit or flower-head)<br />

Hemistylus Half-styled, hmi-stuloj (the short style)<br />

Hemitelia Half-complete, hmi-teleioj (indusium scale-like at lower side of the<br />

sorus and caducous)<br />

hemitomus -a -um cut into two, hmi-tomh (deeply lobed along the length)<br />

hemitrichotus -a -um half hairy, hmi-(qric, trixoj)<br />

Hemizonia Half-embraced, hmi-zwnh (the outer achenes)<br />

Hemizygia Half-yoked, hmi-zugoj<br />

Hemsleya, hemsleyanus -a -um, hemsleyi for William Boting Hemsley (1843–1924), of<br />

the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew<br />

henchmanii for Francis Henchman (fl. 1824), nurseryman of Clapton, Middlesex<br />

hendersonii for either A. Henderson of the RHS gardens at Chiswick (d. 1879), or<br />

for Louis Fourniquet Henderson (b. 1853), who collected in Oregon, USA<br />


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