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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

helianthemoides resembling Helianthemum, Helianthemum-oides<br />

Helianthemum Sun-flower, hli-anqemion (rock rose)<br />

helianthi resembling Helianthus<br />

helanthoides resembling Helianthus, Helianthus-oides<br />

Helianthus Sun-flower, hli-anqoj (the large golden heads of many species tend to<br />

follow the sun, girare-sole, cognate with Jerusalem [artichoke])<br />

helianthus-aquatica humid or aquatic sunflower, Helianthus-aquaticus<br />

helicanthus -a -um twisted-flower, elik-anqoj<br />

helichrysoides resembling Helichrysum<br />

Helichrysopsis Resembling Helichrysum, hli-xrusouj-oyij<br />

Helichrysum Golden-sun, hli-xrusouj<br />

helici- coiled like a snail-shell, wreathed, twisted, elic, elikoj, eliko-, elik-<br />

Helicia Spiralled, elikoj (perianth lobes)<br />

helicocephalus -a -um having a twisted (flowering) head, eliko-kefalh<br />

Helicodiceros Two-twisted-horns, eliko-dij-keraj (the basal lobes of the leaves)<br />

helicoides, helicoideus -a -um of a coiled or twisted appearance, elic-oeidhj<br />

Heliconia for Mount Helicon, Boetea, Greece, sacred to the Muses of mythology<br />

(Heliconiaceae)<br />

Helicostylis Coiled-style, eliko-stuloj<br />

Helicteres Ear-drop, elikthr (the screw-shaped ear-ring-like carpels)<br />

Helicteropsis resembling-Helicteres. elikthr-oyij<br />

helicto- twisted-, wreathed-, rolled-, eliktoj, elikto-<br />

Helictonema Twisted-threads, elikto-nhma (filaments)<br />

Helictotrichon (um) Twisted-hair, elikto-trixoj (the geniculate awns)<br />

Helinus Tendrilled, elic (climbing by spiral tendrils)<br />

helio- sun-like, sun-, hlioj, hlio-<br />

Heliocarpus Sun-fruit, hlio-karpoj (the fringed fruits)<br />

heliolepis -is -e sun-scaled, with golden scales, hlio-lepij<br />

Heliophila Sun-lover, hlio-filoj (exposed habitats)<br />

heliophyllus -a -um having leaves adapted to full sun, hlio-fullon<br />

Heliopsis Sun-like, hlio-oyij (for the yellow flower-heads)<br />

helioscopius -a -um sun-observing, sun-watching, Dioscorides’ name, hlioskopion<br />

(the flowers track the sun’s course)<br />

heliospermus -a -um having flat and round seeds, hlio-sperma<br />

Heliotropium Turn-with-the-sun, hlio-(troph, tropew, trepein) (turnsole)<br />

Helipterum Sun-wing, hli-pteron (the fruit’s plumed pappus)<br />

helix winding, elic, elikoj ancient Greek name for twining plants<br />

Helixanthera Twisted-anther, elic-anqera<br />

helleborifolius -a -um with Helleborus-like leaves, Helleborus-folium<br />

helleborine hellebore-like, adjectival suffix Helleborus-ina<br />

Helleborus Poison-food, hlleim-(bora, bosij) (the ancient Greek name for the medicinal<br />

H. orientalis)<br />

hellenicus -a -um from Greece, Grecian, Greek, Hellenic (Hellas, Helladis)<br />

Helleriella for Alfonse Heller, botanist in Nicaragua (diminutive suffix for Heller’s<br />

dotted orchid)<br />

helmandicus -a -um from the environs of the Helmand river (Erymandrus),<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Helmholtzia for Herman Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821–94), German<br />

physicist and physiologist<br />

helminth-, helmintho- worm-, elminqoj, elminqo-<br />

Helminthia (Helmintia) Worm, elminj, elminqoj ( Picris, for the elongate wrinkled<br />

fruits)<br />

helminthorrhizus -a -um having worm-like roots, elminqo-riza<br />

Helminthostachys Worm-like-spike, elminqo-staxuj (the fertile spike of the ‘flowering’<br />

fern)<br />

Helminthotheca Worm-like-case, elminqo-qhkh (the beaked fruits)<br />

helo-, helodes of bogs and marshes, elwdhj, elodej<br />


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