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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Gyrocarpus Turning-fruit, guro-karpoj (the winged, dipterocarp-like fruit)<br />

gyroflexus -a -um bent around, turned in a circle, guro-plecw<br />

Gyromitra Curved-girdle, guro-mitra<br />

Gyroporus Curved-pore, guro-poroj (opening of polypore tube)<br />

Gyrostemon Turned-stamen, guro-stemon (ring of divided stamens)<br />

gyrosus -a -um bent backwards and forwards (cucurbit anthers)<br />

Gyrotaenia Turned-filament, guro-tainia (incurved tactic filaments)<br />

haageanus -a -um for J. N. Haage (1826–78), seedsman of Erfurt, Germany<br />

Haageocereus Haage’s-Cereus, for Frederick Adolph Haage (1796–1866), botanist,<br />

collector and nurseryman of Erfurt<br />

Haastia, haastii for Sir Johann Franz Julius von Haast (1824–87), government geologist<br />

in New Zealand, explored S Island<br />

Habenaria Thong, habena a strap (the spur of some is long and flat)<br />

Haberlea for Karl Konstantin Christian Haberle (1764–1832), Professor of Botany at<br />

Pest, now part of Budapest in Hungary<br />

Hablitzia for Carl Ludwig van Hablitz (1752–1821), naturalist traveller in the<br />

Middle East<br />

habr-, habro- soft-, graceful-, delicate-, luxuriant-, abroj, abro-<br />

Habracanthus Delicate-Acanthus, abro-akanqoj<br />

Habranthus Elegant-flower, abro-anqoj<br />

Habrochloa Graceful-grass, abro-xloh<br />

Habropetalum Delicate-petalled-one, abro-petalon<br />

habrotrichus -a -um soft-haired, softly hairy, abro-trixoj<br />

habyssinicus -a -um from Abyssinia (Ethiopia)<br />

hachijoensis -is -e from Hachijo island, Izu archipelago, Japan<br />

Hackelia, hackelii for either Joseph Hackel (1783–1869), an E European botanist, or<br />

P. Hackel, Professor of Agriculture at Leitmeritz, Bohemia (Czech Republic)<br />

Hackelochloa Hackel’s-grass, botanical Latin from Hackel and xloh, for Eduard<br />

Hackel (1850–1926), Austrian grass taxonomist<br />

Hacquetia for Balthasar Hacquet de la Molte (1740–1815), French-born naturalist,<br />

professor at Lemberg, author of Plantae Alpinae Carniolica<br />

hadramawticus -a -um from Hadramaut (Hadramawt or Hadramout) Yemen<br />

hadriaticus -a -um from the area around the Adriatic Sea (Mare Hadriaticus)<br />

Haekeria for Gottfried Renatus Haeker (1789–1864), German pharmacist and<br />

botanist<br />

haema-, haemo-, haemato- blood-red, the colour of blood, aima, aim-, aimatohaemaleus<br />

-a -um blood-red, aima<br />

haemalus -a -um, haematodes blood-coloured, aima-wdej<br />

Haemanthus Blood-flower, aim-anqoj (for the red species called fireball lilies)<br />

haemanthus -a -um with blood-red flowers, aim-anqoj<br />

haemastomus -a -um with a blood-red mouth, aima-stoma<br />

haematinus -a -um bluish-black coloured, aima, aimatohaematocalyx<br />

with a blood-red calyx, aimato-kaluc<br />

Haematocarpus, haematocarpus -a -um Blood-red-berries, aimato-karpoj<br />

haematocephalus -a -um with blood-red heads, aimato-kefalh (of flowers)<br />

haematochilos with a blood-red lip or lips, aimato-xeiloj<br />

haematochiton with a blood-red cloak, aimato-xitwn (sheath of the inflorescence)<br />

haematocodon having red bells, aimato-kwdwn (flowers)<br />

Haematodendron Blood-tree, aimato-dendron (the slash exudate)<br />

haematodes blood-red, blood-like, aimato-wdej<br />

haematopus -a -um appearing to have blood, with bleeding stalks, aimato-pouj (the<br />

red sappy exudate)<br />

haematosiphon having a red (corolla) tube, aimato-sifon<br />

haematospermus -a -um having blood-red seeds, aimato-sperma<br />

Haematostaphis Blood-grapes, aimato-stafulh (fruit of blood-plum)<br />


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