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The Names Of Plants.pdf


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Glossary<br />

gymnocarpus -a -um with naked carpels, with exposed ovary, gumno-karpoj<br />

gymnocaulon with a clear stem, gumno-kauloj<br />

Gymnocheilus naked-lip, gumno-xeiloj (unmarked labellum)<br />

Gymnocladus Bare-branch, gumno-kladoj (foliage of Kentucky coffee-tree is mainly<br />

towards the ends of the branches)<br />

Gymnocoronis Exposed-halo, gumno-korwnij<br />

Gymnodiscus Exposed-disc, gumno-diskoj (the receptacle)<br />

gymnodontus -a -um with naked teeth, gumno-odontoj<br />

Gymnogramma (Gymnogramme) Naked-line, gumno-grammh (the sori lack a covering<br />

indusium)<br />

Gymnogrammitis Exposed-lines, gumno-gramma (the naked sori)<br />

Gymnomitrium Exposed-turban, gumno-mitra (the peristome)<br />

Gymnopetalum Naked-petal, gumno-petalon<br />

gymnophyllus -a -um with naked leaves, gumno-fullon<br />

Gymnophyton Exposed-plant, gumno-futon (habitat)<br />

Gymnopodium Naked-extremity, gumno-podewn<br />

Gymnopogon Exposed-beard, gumno-pwgwn (the excurrent leaf vein)<br />

Gymnopteris Naked-fern, gumno-pteruc (the linear sori do not have an indusium)<br />

gymnorrhizus -a -um having exposed roots, buttress-rooted, gumno-riza<br />

Gymnoschoenus Exposed-Schoenus, gumno-sxoinoj (the conspicuous inflorescences<br />

of button grass reed<br />

Gymnosiphon Naked-tube, gumno-sifon (colourless parasite)<br />

gymnosorus -a -um having non-indusiate sori, naked sori, gumno-soroj<br />

Gymnosperma, Gymnospermium Naked-seed, gumno-sperma<br />

Gymnosporangium Naked-sporangium, gumno-spora-aggeion (the emergent<br />

spathulate structures containing the telutospore stage)<br />

Gymnostachys, Gymnostachium Naked-spike, Exposed-spike, gumno-staxuj<br />

Gymnostemon Exposed-stamens, gumno-stemwn<br />

Gymnostephium Exposed-crown, gumno-stefanoj<br />

Gymnostoma, Gymnostomium Naked-mouth, gumno-stoma (the mouth of the<br />

capsule of the beardless-moss lacks a fringe of teeth)<br />

Gymnotheca Exposed-box, gumno-qhkh (ovaries of achlamydeous flowers)<br />

gyn-, gyno-, -gynus -a -um relating to the ovary, female-, -pistillate, -carpelled, gunh<br />

Gynadropsis Female-and-male, gunh-anhr-oyij (the disposition of the stamens and<br />

style)<br />

Gynandriris Woman-man-Iris, gunh-anhr-irij (the united stamens and pistil, Iris)<br />

gynandrus -a -um having filaments and styles fused into a column, gunh-anhr<br />

Gynatrix Hairy-ovary, gunh-(qric, trixoj)<br />

Gynerium Woolly-ovary, gun-erion<br />

Gynocardia Heart-of-the ovary, gunh-kardia (the seeds provide the one-time<br />

leprosy medicinal chaulmoogra oil, Hydnocarpus)<br />

gynochlamydeus -a -um female cloak, gunh-xlamuj (enlarged calyx)<br />

Gynochthodes Bank-like-ovary, gun-oxqh-wdhj (the humped appearance)<br />

Gynoxis Pointed-ovary, gun-ocuj (the fruit shape)<br />

Gynura Female-tail, gun-oura (the elongated stigma)<br />

gypo- vulture-, guy, gupoj a vulture (suggesting desolate habitats)<br />

Gypothamnium Vulture-bush, (guy, gupoj)-qamnoj (provenance, the Atacama<br />

Desert, S Chile)<br />

Gypsacanthus Vulture’s-Acanthus, guy-akanqoj (provenance, the Mexican deserts)<br />

gypsi- -chalk, guyoj, gypsum, gypsi<br />

gypsicolus -a -um living on gypsum, living on calcium, gypsum-colo<br />

Gypsophila Lover-of-chalk, guyoj-filoj (the natural habitat)<br />

gyrans revolving, moving in circles, guroj, gyrus<br />

Gyranthera Circled-stamens, guroj-anqera (arrangement of the androecium)<br />

Gyrinops, Gyrinopsis None-apparent-circle, gur-in-oyij (lacking or with a reduced<br />

corolla)<br />

gyro-, -gyrus -a -um bent-, twisted-, -round, guroj<br />


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