The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Guazuma the Mexican vernacular name for bastard cedar (Guazuma ulmifolia)<br />

Gueldenstaedtia, gueldenstaedtianus -a -um for A. J. von Güldenstädt (1741–85),<br />

botanist in the Caucasus<br />

Guettarda for Jean Etienne Guettard (1715–86), French natural historian, physician<br />

to Louis Duke of Orleans, involved with Lavoisier in the mapping of the geology<br />

of France<br />

guianensis -is -e from Guiana, northern S America<br />

Guibourtia for Nicholas Jean Baptiste Gaston Guibourt (1790–1861), French pharmacologist,<br />

author of Histoire abregee des drogues simples (1849–51)<br />

guicciardii for Jacops Guicciard, who collected plants in Greece<br />

Guichenotia for Antoine Guichenot, a French gardener and traveller on the<br />

Nicholas Baudin expedition to New Holland, NW Australia (1800–03)<br />

Guilfoylia for William Robert Guilfoyle (1840–1912), Australian botanist, director<br />

of Melbourne Royal Botanic Garden<br />

Guillenia for C. Guillen, seventeenth-century Mexican Jesuit missionary<br />

guineensis -is -e from W Africa (Guinea Coast)<br />

guizhouensis -is -e from Kweichow province, SW China (Guizhou)<br />

Guizotia for François Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787–1874), French historian and<br />

deposed from Premiership in 1849<br />

gulestanicus -a -um from Guleston or Gulestan, E Uzbekistan<br />

Gulubia New Guinea vernacular name for the gulubi palm<br />

gummifer -era -erum producing gum, gummi-fero<br />

gummi-gutta having drops of sticky exudate, gummi-gutta<br />

gummosus a -um gummy, with a sticky exudate, comparative of gummi<br />

Gundlachia for Johannes Christoph Gundlach (1810–96), German naturalist in<br />

Cuba<br />

Gunnarella for Gunnar Seidenfadden, Danish botanist and orchidologist<br />

(Siedenfaddenia) (the feminine diminutive suffix emphasizes that it is a genus of<br />

small epiphytic orchids)<br />

Gunnera for Johann Ernst Gunnerus of Trondheim (1718–73), Norwegian botanist,<br />

Bishop of Trondheim, author of Flora Norvegiaca (Gunneraceae)<br />

Gunnia, gunnii for Ronald Campbell Gunn (1808–81), S African editor of the<br />

Tasmanian Journal of Natural Sciences, collector for William Jackson Hooker<br />

Gurania anagram of Anguira<br />

gussonii for Giovanni Gussone (1787–1866), Director of the Botanic Garden at<br />

Palermo<br />

Gustavia for Linnaeus’ patron, King Gustavus III of Sweden (1746–92)<br />

Gutierrezia for P. Gutierrez, Spanish nobleman<br />

gutta drop, gutta, guttae (Dichopsis gutta yields a latex, gutta percha, or<br />

chaoutchouc); some derive from Malay, getah<br />

guttatus -a -um spotted, covered with small glandular dots, gutta<br />

guttiferus -a -um gum- or resin-producing, gutta-fero<br />

guttulatus -a -um slightly glandular, marked all over with small dots, diminutive<br />

of gutta<br />

Guzmania for Anastasio Guzman (d. 1807), Spanish naturalist in S America<br />

Gyminda anagram of Myginda<br />

gymn-, gymno- exposed-, naked-, gumnoj, gumno-, gumn-<br />

Gymnacranthera Apical-exposed-stamen, gumn-akra-anqeroj<br />

Gymnadenia Naked-gland, gumnoj-adhn (exposed pollen viscidia)<br />

gymnandrus -a -um with naked stamens, with exposed anthers, gumn-androj<br />

Gymnanthera, gymnantherus -a -um Exposed stamens, gumn-anqhroj<br />

Gymnanthes, gymnanthus -a -um Naked-flowered, gumn-anqoj<br />

Gymnarrhena Exposed androecium, gumn-arrhn<br />

Gymnema Naked-threads, gumn-nhma (the exposed filaments)<br />

Gymnemospis Looking-like-Gymnema, gumn-nhma-oyij<br />

Gymnocalycium Exposed-calyx, gumno-kaluc (the protruding flower-buds)<br />

Gymnocarpium Naked-fruit, gumnoj-karpoj (oak fern sori lack indusia)<br />


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