The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

goniatus -a -um hook-shaped or angled, gwnia<br />

gonio-, gono- angled-, prominently angled-, gwnia, gwniwdhj, gwnio-, gwno-<br />

Gonioanthela Angled-head-of-small-flowers, gwnio-anqhmion<br />

Goniocalyx, goniocalyx Angled-calyx, gwnio-kaluc<br />

goniocarpus -a -um with angular fruits, gwnio-karpoj<br />

Goniocaulon Angled-stem, gwnio-kauloj<br />

Goniocheilus Angular-lipped, gwnio-xeiloj<br />

Goniolimon Angular-fruited-citrus, botanical Latin from gwnia and limon<br />

Gonioma Angular-swellings, gwnio-oma<br />

Goniophlebium Angle-veined, gwnio-fleboj<br />

Goniopteris Angled-wing, gwnio-pteruc (frond morphology)<br />

Goniothalamus Angular-fruiting-body, gwnio-qalamoj<br />

Gonocalyx Angular-calyx, gwno-kaluc<br />

Gonocarpus Angled-fruit, gwno-karpoj (raspwort)<br />

Gonocaryum Ridged-fruit, gwno-karuon<br />

Gonolobus Angled-fruit, gwno-loboj (the fruits of some)<br />

gonophorus -a -um having a gonophore (bearing the stamens and ovary), gwnoforew<br />

Gonospermum, gonospermus -a -um Angular-seed, with angular seeds, gwno-sperma<br />

-gonus -a -um angled, with blunt longitudinal ridges, gwnia (number- or feature-)<br />

gony- knee, joint, gonu, gonatoj<br />

Gonystylus Kneed-style, gonu-stuloj<br />

Goodenia for Dr Samuel Goodenough (1743–1827), Bishop of Carlisle, founder<br />

member of the Linnaean Society, Vice-President of the Royal Society, monographer<br />

of Carex (Goodeniaceae)<br />

Goodia for Peter Good (d. 1803), plant collector in E Indies and with Robert Brown<br />

for Kew in Australia<br />

Goodmania for George Jones Goodman (1904–99), American botanist<br />

Goodyera for John Goodyer (1592–1664), English botanist who translated<br />

Dioscorides’ Materia medica into English<br />

Gordonia for James Gordon (c. 1708–80), English nurseryman of Mile End Nursery,<br />

London<br />

gorganicus -a -um from Gurgan or Gorgan, N central Iran<br />

gorgoneus -a -um fierce, terrible, gorgoj; gorgon-like, resembling one of the snakehaired<br />

Gorgons of mythology (Gorgo, Gorgonis)<br />

gorgonicus -a -um from Cape Verde islands (Gorgades)<br />

Gorgonidium Somewhat-terrible, diminutive of gorgoj<br />

gorgonis -is -e wild, of wild appearance, gorgoj<br />

Gorteria for David de Gorter (1717–83), Dutch physician, botanist and collector<br />

gortynius -a -um from Áyioi Dhéka, SW Crete (Gortyn or Gortyna)<br />

goseloides resembling the S African genus Gosela<br />

gossipiphorus -a -um cotton-bearing, gossypium-fora (Saussurea gossipiphora looks<br />

like a ball of cotton-wool)<br />

Gossweilera for John Gossweiler (1873–1952), botanist and collector in Cabinda<br />

and Belgian Congo<br />

Gossweilerodendron Gossweiler’s tree, botanical Latin from Gossweiler and dendron<br />

gossypi-, gossypinus -a -um cotton-plant-like, resembling Gossypium<br />

Gossypioides, gossypiodes Similar-to-Gossypium, Gossypium-oides<br />

gossypiphorus -a -um bearing cotton, botanical Latin from gossypium and fora<br />

Gossypium Soft (botanical Latin from an Arabic name, goz, for a soft substance)<br />

(cotton)<br />

gothicus -a -um from Gothland, Sweden (Jordanes, sixth century, claimed that the<br />

(Visogoths) Goth tribe originated in southern Scandinavia)<br />

gottingensis -is -e from the university city of Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany<br />

Gouania for Antoine Gouan (1733–1821), French professor of botany at<br />

Montpellier, author of Flora Monspeliaca<br />

Goupia from the Guyanese vernacular name for cupiuba (Goupia glabra)<br />


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