The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

gibbosus -a -um somewhat swollen or enlarged on one side, gibbus, gibbi<br />

gibbsii for Hon. Vicary Gibbs (1853–1933), of Aldenham, tree enthusiast<br />

gibbus -a -um humped, with a hump, gibbus, gibbi<br />

gibraltaricus -a -um from Gibraltar (Calpe, Calpetanus)<br />

giennensis -is -e from Gien, France, or Jaén (Gienna), Spain<br />

gigandrus -a -um having large stamens, gig-anhr<br />

giganteus -a -um, giganticus -a -um unusually large or tall, gigantic, giganteioj<br />

(giganteus, of giants)<br />

giganthes giant-flowered, gig-anqoj<br />

gigantiflorus -a -um having large flowers, botanical Latin from gigaj and florum<br />

gigas giant, gigaj (gigantes, gigantum, giant, giants)<br />

Gigaspermum Giant-sperm, gigaj-sperma (the antherozooids)<br />

gilbertensis -is -e from the environs of the Gilbert river, Cape York peninsula, N<br />

Australia<br />

gileadensis -is -e from Gilead, N Jordan (or the area east of the River Jordan)<br />

Gilia from a Hottentot name for a plant used to make a beverage, or for Felipe<br />

Salvadore Gil (c. 1790), Spanish writer on exotic plants<br />

Gillenia for Arnoldus Gillenius, a seventeenth-century German botanist<br />

Gilliesia, gilliesii for Dr J. Gillies (1792–1834) of Mendoza, Argentina<br />

giluus -a -um, gilvo-, gilvus -a -um dull, pale yellow, gilvus<br />

gilvescens turning dull-yellow, gilvus-essentia<br />

gilviflorus -a -um having dull yellow flowers, gilvus-flora<br />

gingidium gum, gingiva, gingivae, from an old name, giggidion, used by Dioscorides<br />

for a carrot-rooted plant (in medicine, gingivitis is inflammation of the gums)<br />

Ginkgo derived from a Sino-Japanese name, gin-kyo (Ginkgoaceae)<br />

ginnala a native name for Acer ginnala<br />

ginseng from the Chinese name, ren-shen (man-herb) (the forked root)<br />

giraffae of giraffes, from the Arabic, zarafa<br />

giraldianus -a -um, giraldii for Giuseppe Girald (1848–1901), Italian missionary in<br />

Shensi, China<br />

girondinus -a -um from the Gironde department of Aquitaine region, SW France<br />

githago from generic name, gith, in Pliny (for Nigella) with feminine suffix (for<br />

resemblance of the seeds)<br />

glabellus -a -um somewhat smooth, smoothish, diminutive of glaber<br />

glaber -bra -brum, glabri-, glabro smooth, without hairs, glabrous, glaber, glabri<br />

glaberrimus -a -um very smooth, smoothest, superlative of glaber<br />

glabratus -a -um, glabrescens becoming smooth or glabrous, glabri-essentia<br />

glabrius -a -um, glabrus -a -um smooth, bald, glaber, glabri<br />

glabriusculus -a -um rather glabrous, a little glabrous, diminutive of glaber<br />

glabrohirtus -a -um smooth and hairy, bald with a few hairs<br />

glacialis -is -e of frozen habitats, of the ice, glacies; glacialis<br />

gladiatus -a -um sword-like, gladius, gladi<br />

gladiolatus -a -um like a small sword, diminutive of gladius<br />

Gladiolus Small-sword, the name in Pliny, diminutive of gladius (cognate with<br />

gladdon, Iris foetidissima)<br />

glandiformis -is -e shaped like an acorn or nut, (glans, glandis)-forma<br />

Glandularia Glandular-one, glandulae ( Verbena, section Glandularia)<br />

glandulicarpus -a -um having glandular or sticky fruits, botanical Latin from glandulae<br />

and karpoj<br />

glandulifer -era -erum, glanduligerus -a -um gland-bearing, glandulae-fero (gero)<br />

glanduliflorus -a -um having sticky, glandular flowers, glandulae-florum<br />

glandulosissimus -a -um the most glandular, superlative of glandulae<br />

glandulosus -a -um full of glands, glandular (from modern Latin, glandulae, for<br />

throat glands)<br />

glareophilus -a -um liking screes or gravels, botanical Latin from glarea and filew<br />

glareosus -a -um gravelly, growing on gravel, glarea, glareae<br />

glasti- Isatis-, woad-like- (from the Latin name, glastum, for woad)<br />


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