The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Fouquiera for Pierre Éloy Fouquier (1776–1850), French physician (Fouquieriaceae)<br />

Fourcroya see Furcraea<br />

fourcroydes similar to Furcraea, Furcraea-oides<br />

fournieri for Eugene P. N. Fournier (1834–84), physician of Paris<br />

foveatus -a -um having a pitted surface, fovea, foveae<br />

foveolatus -a -um with small depressions or pits all over the surface, foveolate,<br />

fovea, foveae<br />

foxii for Walter Fox (1858–1934), Singapore gardener<br />

fracidus -a -um mellow-textured, slightly pulpy, fracidus<br />

fractiflexus -a -um weakly twining, fractus-flexus<br />

fragari-, fragi- strawberry-, fraga, fragorum<br />

Fragaria Fragrance, fragrans (of the fruit)<br />

fragarii of strawberries, living on Fragaria (Aphelenchus, nematode)<br />

fragarifolius -a -um strawberry flowered, fraga-folium<br />

fragarioides resembling Fragaria, Fragaria-oides<br />

fragifer -era -erum strawberry-bearing, fraga-fero<br />

fragiformis -is -e resembling strawberry, Fragaria-form (e.g. the warted red fruiting<br />

bodies of Hypoxylon fragiforme on beech)<br />

fragilimus -a -um more fragile, comparative of fragilis<br />

fragilis -is -e fleeting, brittle, fragile, fragilis<br />

fragosus -a -um rough, breakable, fragosus<br />

fragrans sweet-scented, odorous, fragrant, fragrans, fragrantis<br />

fragrantissimus -a -um most fragrant, superlative of fragrans<br />

frainetto from a Balkans vernacular name for an oak<br />

franchetianus -a -um, franchetii for Adrien René Franchet (1834–1900), French<br />

botanist with particular interest in Chinese and Japanese plants<br />

franciscanus -a -um, fransiscanus -a -um from San Francisco, USA<br />

Francoa for Dr F. Franco of Valentia, sixteenth-century promoter of plant studies<br />

(bridal wreath) (Francoaceae)<br />

francofurtanus -a -um from Frankfurt, Germany (Francofurtum)<br />

Frangula, frangula Brittle, frango (medieval name refers to the brittle twigs of alder<br />

buckthorn)<br />

franguloides resembling Frangula<br />

frangulus -a -um breakable, fragile, frango, frangere, fregi, fractum (diminutive<br />

suffix)<br />

Frankenia for John Frankenius (1590–1661), Swedish botanist (Frankeniaceae)<br />

Franklinia for Benjamin Franklin (1706–90) inventor of the lightning conductor<br />

and President of the USA ( Gordonia alatamaha)<br />

frankliniae, franklinii for Lady and Sir John Franklin (1786–1847), Arctic explorer<br />

and Governor of Tasmania<br />

frankofurtanus -a -um from Frankfurt am Main, Germany<br />

franzosinii for Signo Franzonsini, gardener at Intra, Lake Maggiore, Italy<br />

Frasera, fraserianus -a -um, fraseri for John Fraser (1750–1811), nurseryman of<br />

Chelsea, England<br />

fraternalis -is -e, fraternus -a -um closely related, brotherly, frater, fratris<br />

fraudulosus -a -um full of deceit, fraudo, fraudare, fraudavi, fraudatum<br />

fraxinellus -a -um like a small ash, diminutive of Fraxinus<br />

fraxineus -ea -eum ash-like, Fraxinus<br />

fraxini of ash, living on Fraxinus (symbionts, parasites and saprophytes)<br />

fraxini-, fraxineus -a -um ash-like, resembling ash, Fraxinusfraxinifolius<br />

-a -um with leaves similar to Fraxinus<br />

fraxinivorus ash-devouring, fraxinus-(voro, vorare, voravi, voratum) (inflorescences<br />

galled by Eriophyes gall mite)<br />

fraxinoides ash-like, Fraxinus-oides<br />

Fraxinus ancient Latin name, fraxinus, for ash, used by Virgil (ash tree)<br />

Freesia for Friedrich Heinrich <strong>The</strong>odor Freese (d. 1876), of Kiel, pupil of Ecklon<br />


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