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Glossary<br />

ferrus -a -um sword-like, durable, iron-like, ferrum, ferri (was used for any iron<br />

object)<br />

fertilis -is -e heavy-seeding, fruitful, fertile, fertilis<br />

Ferula Staff, ferula (Pliny’s classical Latin name) (giant fennel)<br />

ferulaceus -a -um fennel-like, resembling Ferula, hollow-<br />

Ferulago Ferula-like, ferula with feminine suffix<br />

ferulifolius -a -um with Ferula-like leaves, Ferula-folium<br />

-ferus, -fera, -ferum -carrying, fero, ferre, tuli, latum<br />

ferus -a -um wild, untamed, feral, ferus<br />

fervens, fervidus -a -um raging, blazing, passionate, agitated, ferveo, fervere, ferbui;<br />

fervo, fervere, fervi; fervidus<br />

festalis -is -e, festivus -a -um agreeable, bright, pleasant, cheerful, festive, adjectival<br />

form of festus<br />

festinus -a -um hasty, quick (-growing), festinus<br />

Festuca Straw (a name used in Pliny, festuca also the rod used for manumitting<br />

Roman slaves to freedman), fescue<br />

festucaceus -a -um similar to Festuca<br />

festuciformis -is -e looking like Festuca<br />

festucoides resembling Festuca, Festuca-oides<br />

Festulolium the composite name for hybrids between Festuca and Lolium<br />

festus -a -um sacred, used for festivals, festus<br />

fetidus -a -um bad-smelling, stinking, foetid, foetidus<br />

fibratus -a -um fibrous, fibra, fibrae<br />

fibrillosus -a -um, fibrosus -a -um with copious fibres, fibrous, fibra, fibrae<br />

fibuliformis -is -e shaped as a tapering cylinder, fibula, fibulae<br />

fibulus -a -um broach, clamp, clasp, fibula, fibulae (mostly for the tapered shape)<br />

Ficaria, ficarius -a -um small-fig, diminutive of ficus, an old generic name for the<br />

lesser celandine (the shape of the root tubers)<br />

fici-, ficoides fig-like, resembling Ficus, Ficus-oides<br />

ficifolius -a -um Fig-leaved, Ficus-folium<br />

ficoideus -a -um similar to Ficus<br />

ficto-, fictus -a -um false, fictus<br />

fictolacteum false (Rhododendron) lacteum, ficto-lacteus<br />

Ficus the ancient Latin name, ficus, fici, for the fig (and for haemorrhoids), from the<br />

Hebrew, fag<br />

ficus-indica Indian fig, ficus-(india, indiae) (morphology of the Opuntia fruit)<br />

-fid, -fidus -a -um -cleft,-divided, findo, findere, fidi, fissum<br />

Fieldia, fieldii for Baron Field (1786–1846), Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, New<br />

South Wales<br />

figo fixed, pierced, figo, figere, fixi, fixum<br />

Filago Thread, filum with feminine suffix (the medieval name refers to the woolly<br />

indumentum)<br />

filamentosus -a -um, filarius -a -um, fili- thread-like, with filaments or threads, filum, fili<br />

filaris -is -e thread-like, filum, fili<br />

fili- thread-like-, filum, fili<br />

filicaulis -is -e having very slender stems, fili-caulis<br />

filiceps having a narrow head (of flowers), fili-ceps<br />

filicifolius -a -um with small fern-like leaves, filix-folius<br />

filicinus -a -um, filici-, filicoides fern-like, filix-oides, living on ferns (gall midges)<br />

filiculmis -is -e having thread-like stalks, fili-culmus<br />

filiculoides like a small fern, filicula-oides<br />

filiculus -a -um like a small fern, diminutive of filix<br />

filiferus -a -um bearing threads or filaments, fili-fero<br />

filifolius -a -um thread-leaved, fili-folium<br />

filiformis -is -e thread-like, fili-forma<br />

Filipendula, filipendula Thread-suspended, fili-pendulus (slender attachment of<br />

meadow-sweet tubers)<br />


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