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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Fatsia from a Japanese vernacular name, fa tsi<br />

fatuosus -a -um silly, pompous, fatuus<br />

fatuus -a -um not good, insipid, tasteless, simple, foolish, fatuus<br />

Faucaria Throat, fauces, faucium (the leaves gape apart)<br />

faucilalis -is -e, faucius -a -um wide-mouthed, throated, fauces, faucium<br />

fauconnettii for Dr Charles Fauconnet (1811–75), of Geneva<br />

faurei (fauriei) for either Abbé Faure, director of the Grenoble Seminary, or Abbé<br />

Urbain Faure (1847–1915), a missionary in Japan<br />

faustus -a -um lucky, auspicious, faustus<br />

favigerus -a -um bearing honey-glands, favus-gero<br />

favoris-is -e favourable, agreeable; popular, supportive, favor, favoris<br />

favosus -a -um cavitied, faveolate, honeycombed, favus, favi<br />

febrifugus -a -um fever-dispelling (medicinal property) cognate through old<br />

English, feferfuge, with feverfew, (febris, febris)-(fugo, fugare, fugavi, fugatum)<br />

fecetus -a -um synthesized, made, created, facio, facere, feci, factum<br />

fecundator, fecundatrix fertilizer, fecundo, fecundare (botanically, a misnomer for<br />

Andricus, the oak-galling cynipid)<br />

fecundus -a -um fruitful, fertile, fecund, fecundus<br />

Fedia etymology uncertain<br />

fedtschenkoianus -a -um, fedtschenkoi for either Olga Fedtschenko (1845–1921) or her<br />

son Boris Fedtschenko (1873–1947), Russian botanists<br />

Feijoa for Don da Silva Feijoa, botanist of San Sebastian, Spain<br />

fejeensis -is -e from the Fiji Islands, S Pacific<br />

Felicia for a German official named Felix at Regensburg (d. 1846), but some interpret<br />

it as felix, felicis cheerful (blue marguerite)<br />

felinus -a -um relating to or affecting cats, feles, felis; fruitful, favourable, felix, felicis<br />

felis-linguus -a -um cat’s-tongue, felis-lingua<br />

Felix Fruitful, felix, felicis<br />

felleus -a -um as bitter as gall, full of bile, fel, fellis<br />

felosmus -a -um foul-smelling, fel-osmh<br />

femina female, femina, feminae<br />

fenas toxic, poisonous, fenw to murder (some interpret as hay-like, faenum, but<br />

faenum habet in cornu, he is dangerous)<br />

Fendlera, fendleri for August Fendler (1813–83), German naturalist and explorer in<br />

New Mexico<br />

Fendlerella diminutive from Fendlera<br />

fenestralis -is -e, fenestratus -a -um with window-like holes or openings, fenestra, fenestrae<br />

(Ouvirandra fenestralis)<br />

fenestrellatus -a -um latticed with small window-like holes, diminutive of fenestra<br />

fennicus -a -um from Finland, Finnish (Fennica)<br />

-fer, -ferus, -fera, -ferum -bearing, -carrying, ferw, fero, ferre, tuli, latum<br />

ferax fruitful, ferax, feracis<br />

ferdinandi-coburgii for King Ferdinand of Bulgaria (1861–1948), alpine plant<br />

grower<br />

ferdinandi-regis as ferdinandi-coburgii<br />

ferganensis -is -e, fergenicus -a -um from the Ferghana region of Uzbekistan<br />

fergusonii for W. Ferguson (1820–87), collector in Ceylon<br />

fernambucensis -is -e from Pernambuco state, Brazil<br />

fero-, ferus -a -um wild, feral, fera, ferae<br />

ferox very prickly, ferocious, ferox, ferocis<br />

Ferraria for Giovani Battista Ferrari (1584–1655), Italian botanist<br />

ferreus -a -um rusty-brown coloured, durable, iron-hard, of iron, ferrum, ferri<br />

ferruginascens turning rusty-brown, ferrugo, ferruginis<br />

ferrugineus -a -um rusty-brown in colour, ferrugo, ferruginis<br />

ferruginiflorus -a -um having rusty-brown flowers, ferrugineus-florum<br />

ferruginosus -a -um conspicuously rust-coloured, ferrugo, ferruginis<br />

ferrum-equinum horse-shoe-like, ferrum-equinus (horse-shoe orchid)<br />


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