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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Euryale for one of the Gorgons of mythology, Euryale (had burning thorns in place<br />

of hair) (Euryalaceae)<br />

eurycarpus -a -um with wide fruits, euru-karpoj<br />

Eurychone Good-cloud, konia dust sand, ashes, koniatoj whitewashed, koniortoj a<br />

cloud of dust ( Angraecum)<br />

euryopoides resembling Euryops, euru-wy-oeidhj<br />

Euryops Wide-eyed, euru-wy<br />

eurysiphon having a wide tubed (corolla), euru-sifon<br />

-eus -ea -eum -resembling, -belonging to, -noted for<br />

Euscaphis Good-vessel, eu-skafh (the colour and shape of the dehiscent leathery<br />

pods)<br />

Eusideroxylon New-Sideroxylon, eu-sidhro-zulon (Borneo ironwood)<br />

euspathus -a -um having a distinct spathe, eu-spaqh<br />

eustachyus -a -um, eustachyon having long trusses of flowers, eu-staxuj<br />

Eustephia Well-crowned, eu-(stefanh, stefanoj)<br />

Eustoma <strong>Of</strong>-good-mouth, eu-stoma (for the throat of the corolla, the Greek eustoma<br />

meant speaking good words, or keeping silent)<br />

Eustrephus Well-twisted, eu-strefw (scandent habit)<br />

Euterpe Attractive, Euterpe (the name of the muse for music and lyric poetry)<br />

eutheles properly female, eu-qhluj (the nipple-like umbo of the pileus)<br />

eutriphyllus -a -um three-leaved throughout, eu-tri-fullon<br />

euxanthus -a -um of a pure yellow colour, eu-canqoj<br />

euxinus -a -um from the Baltic (called the inhospitable, acenoj, sea, Pontus Axeinus,<br />

until settled and renamed Pontus Euxinus, the hospitable, euceinoj, sea)<br />

evalvis -is -e without valves, botanical Latin, e-valvae<br />

evanescens quickly disappearing, vanishing, evanesco, evanescere, evanescui<br />

evansianus -a -um, evansii for Thomas Evans of Stepney, London c. 1810<br />

evectus -a -um lifted up, springing out, carried-forth, e-(vecto, vectare)<br />

evenius -a -um, evenosus -a -um without evident veins, e-(vena, venae)<br />

evernius -a -um resembling the lichen Evernia in colouration<br />

evertus -a -um overturned, expelled, turned out, e-(verso, vertere, verti, versum)<br />

Evodia (Euodia) Well-perfumed, eu-wdhj<br />

evolutus -a -um unfolding, rolling onward, evolvo, evolvere, evolvi, evolutum<br />

evolvens becoming rolled back, evolvo, evolvere, evolvi, evolutum<br />

Evolvulus Unentangled, evolvo, evolvere, evolvi, evolutum (not twining like<br />

Convolvulus)<br />

ewersii for J. P. G. Ewers (1781–1830), German botanist who studied the Altai flora<br />

ex- without-, outside-, over and above-, out of-, ek-, ec-, ex-, eexacoides<br />

resembling Exacum, Exacum-oides<br />

exactus -a -um exact, thrusting out, demanding, exigo, exigere, exegi, exactum<br />

Exaculum Exacum-like, diminutive of Exacum<br />

Exacum a name in Pliny (may be derived from an earlier Gallic word, or refer, ex-<br />

(ago, agere, egi, actum), to its expulsive property)<br />

exalatus -a -um lacking wings, ex-(ala, alae)<br />

exalbescens out of albescens (related to); turning pale, exalbesco<br />

exaltatus -a -um, exaltus -a -um lofty, very tall, ex-altus<br />

exappendiculatus -a -um lacking an appendage, ex-appendicula (the spadix)<br />

exaratus -a -um ploughed, with embossed grooves, engraved, exaro, exarare,<br />

exaravi, exaratum<br />

exaristatus -a -um lacking awns, ex-(arista, aristae)<br />

exasperatus -a -um rough, roughened, exaspero, exasperare, exasperavi, exasperatum<br />

(surface texture)<br />

excavatus -a -um hollowed out, excavated, excavo, excavare<br />

excellens distinguished, excellent, present participle of excello, excellere<br />

excelsior higher, taller, very tall, comparative of excelsus<br />

excelsissimus -a -um the most lofty, superlative of excelsus<br />

excelsus -a -um tall, eminent, illustrious, excelsus<br />


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