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Glossary<br />

emeroides resembling emerus, vetch-like<br />

emersus -a -um rising out, emergo, emergere, emersi, emersum (of the water)<br />

emerus from an early Italian name for a vetch<br />

emeticus -a -um causing vomiting, emetic, emetica, emeticae, emetoj<br />

emetocatharticus -a -um of cleansing through vomiting, emetoj-kaqarthj<br />

Emilia Etymology uncertain, some suggest it is commemorative for Emily<br />

eminens noteworthy, outstanding, prominent, eminens, eminentis<br />

eminii for Emin Schnitzer, ‘Emin Pasha’ (1840–92), physician of Egypt and the Congo<br />

Eminium a name used by Dioscorides<br />

emissus -a -um released, sent out, past participle of e-(mitto, mittere, misi, missum)<br />

(cognate with emissary and emission)<br />

emmeno- lasting, enduring, emmenhj, emmeno-<br />

Emmenopteris Enduring-wing, emmeno-pteruc (one lobe of the calyx is stalked and<br />

enlarged)<br />

emodensis -is -e, emodi from the W Himalayas, ‘Mount Emodus’, N India<br />

emodi from the Sanskrit, hima, for snow (Sanskrit, hima-alaya, identifies the<br />

Himalayas as the abode of snow)<br />

empetrifolius -a -um with Empetrum-like leaves<br />

empetrinus -a -um resembling Empetrum<br />

Empetrum On-rocks, em-petroj (Dioscorides’ name refers to the habitat of<br />

Frankenia pulverulenta) (Empetraceae)<br />

empusus -a -um purulent, empuoj; suppurating, malicious-looking, em-(pus, puris)<br />

Enantia Opposite, enantioj (the one-seeded carpels contrasted to the usual state)<br />

enantio- reverse, hostile, opposite-, enanta, enanti, enantioj, enantio-<br />

Enantiophylla Opposite-leaved, enantio-fullon<br />

enantiophyllus -a -um having opposite leaves, opposed-leaved, enantio-fullon<br />

Enantiosparton Opposed-ropes, enantio-sparton<br />

Enarthrocarpus Jointed-fruit, enarqro-karpoj<br />

enatus -a -um escaping, enato, enatare (e.g. one organ from another, as the coronna<br />

of Narcissus)<br />

Encelia Little-eel, egxelion (the form of the fruits)<br />

Encephalartos In-a-head-bread, en-kefalh-artoj (the farinaceous centre of the stem<br />

apex yields sago, as in sago-palms)<br />

encephalo- in a head-, en-kefalh<br />

encephalodes head- or knob-like; resembling the brain, en-kefalh-wdhj<br />

encephalus -a -um forming a head, en-kefalh<br />

Encheiridion Within-sleeves, en-xeiridoj<br />

Enchytraeus <strong>Of</strong>-pots, en-(xutra, xutrij, xutridoj, xutroj) (Japanese pot-worm or<br />

white worm)<br />

encleistocarpus -a -um with a closed fruit, en-kleistoj-karpoj<br />

encliandrus -a -um with enclosed-stamens, en-xleiw-anhr<br />

enculatus -a -um hooded, en-culus (between the buttocks)<br />

end-, endo- internal-, inside-, within-, endoendecaphyllus<br />

-a -um having eleven leaves or leaflets, endeka-fullon<br />

endivia ancient Latin name, endivia, indivia, for chicory or endive (from Arabic,<br />

tybi, see Intybus)<br />

endlicheri, endlicherianus -a -um for Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher (1804–49), Botanic<br />

Garden Director, Vienna<br />

endo- within-, inner-, inside-, endoqi, endon, endo-<br />

Endodesmia Inside-bundle, endo-desmoj (the cup-like arrangement of the united<br />

stamens)<br />

Endosiphon Inside-tube, endo-sifon<br />

Endostemon Inside-stamens, endo-sthmwn (included)<br />

endotrachys having a rough inner surface, endo-traxuj<br />

Endymion Endymion was Selen’s (Diana’s) lover, of Greek mythology<br />

enervis -is -e, enervius -a -um destitute of veins, apparently lacking nerves, e-nervus<br />

(veins)<br />


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