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Glossary<br />

elaphinus -a -um tawny, fulvous, elafh, a fawn<br />

elapho- stag’s-, elafoj, elafh, elafo-<br />

Elaphoglossum Stag’s-tongue, elafo-glwssa (shape and texture of the fronds)<br />

Elaphomyces Stag-fungus, elafoj-mukej<br />

elaphro- light-, easy-, nimble-, elafroj, elafroelaphroxylon<br />

having light wood, elafro-culon<br />

elasticus -a -um yielding an elastic substance, elastic, elaunein, elastikoj<br />

elaterium Greek name, elathroj, for the squirting cucumber, elathroj driving<br />

away (squirting out seeds), (elathr a driver, for the threads that aid cryptogamic<br />

spore dispersal)<br />

Elatine, elatine Little-conifer, elatinoj, of pine wood (a name, elatinh, used by<br />

Dioscorides) (Elatinaceae)<br />

elatinoides resembling Elatine, elatinoj-oeidhj<br />

elatior, elatius taller, comparative of elatus<br />

Elatostema Tall-crown, elath-stemma; High-renown, elatus-stemma (the inflorescence)<br />

elatus -a -um exalted, tall, high, effero, effere, extuli, elatum<br />

elbistanicus -a -um from the Elbistan area of eastern Anatolia, S Turkey<br />

elbursius -a -um from the Elburz mountain range of N Iran<br />

eldorado that of gold, golden one, of great abundance, Spanish fictional country of<br />

great plenty<br />

electra-, electro- amber-, hlektron (mostly for the colour but also for minor electrostatic<br />

features, as shown by amber itself)<br />

electrocarpus -a -um amber-fruited, hlektron-karpoj<br />

electrus -a -um for Electra, daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra in Greek<br />

mythology<br />

electus -a -um select, electo, electare<br />

elegans graceful, elegant, elegans, elegantis<br />

elegantissimus -a -u most elegant, most graceful, superlative of elegans<br />

elegantulus -a -um quite elegant or graceful, diminutive of elegans<br />

eleo- marsh, eloj, eleo-, cf. heleo-<br />

Eleocharis (Heleocharis) Marsh-favour, eleo-xarij<br />

Eleogiton (Heleogiton) Marsh-neighbour, eleo-geitwn (in analogy with Potamogeton)<br />

elephanticeps ivory or large headed, elephantus-ceps<br />

elephantidens elephant’s tooth, elephantus-(dens, dentis)<br />

elephantinus -a -um large; having the appearance of ivory, elefantinoj<br />

elephantipes like an elephant’s foot, elephantus-pes, elefaj-(pouj, podoj) (appearance<br />

of the stem or tuber)<br />

Elephantopus Elephant’s-foot, elefantoj-pouj (achenes carried on feet and make<br />

some species troublesome weeds)<br />

elephantotis -is -e elephant-eared, elefaj-wtoj (large pendulous leaves)<br />

elephantus -a -um of the elephant, ivory; large, elefaj, elefantoj, elefanto-, elephantus,<br />

elephanti (cognate with oliphant, a horn made of ivory)<br />

elephas elephantine, ivory-like, elefaj, elefantoj (also variously applied to pendulous<br />

structures)<br />

Elettaria from a Malabar vernacular name<br />

Eleusine from Eleusis, Greece<br />

eleuther-, eleuthero- free-, eleuqeroj<br />

eleutherandrus -a -um having free stamens, eleuqeroj-anhr<br />

Eleutheranthera Free-stamened-one, eleuqeroj-anqhroj<br />

eleutherantherus -a -um with stamens not united but free, eleuqeroj-anqhroj<br />

Eleutherococcus Free-fruited, eleuqeroj-kokkoj<br />

eleutheropetalus -a -um having distinctly separate petals, eleuqeroj-petalon<br />

Eleutheropetalum Free-petalled, eleuqeroj-petalon (polypetalous)<br />

elevatus -a -um lifting, alleviating, elevo, elevare<br />

eleyi for Charles Eley, who hybridized Malus niedzwetskyana with M spectabilis<br />

(M. eleyi)<br />


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