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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Echium Viper, exij (a name, exion, used by Dioscorides for a plant to cure<br />

snakebite) (viper’s bugloss)<br />

ecirrhosus -a -um lacking tendrils, e-cirrus<br />

ecklonianus -a -um, ecklonii for Christian Friedrich Ecklon (1785–1868), apothecary<br />

and student of the S African flora<br />

eclectus -a -um selected, picked out, ek-legw, eklegein<br />

Eclipta Deficient, ekliphj (has few receptacular scales)<br />

eco- habitat, dwelling place, oikoj, oikoecostatus<br />

-a -um without ribs, smooth, e-costatus (a comparative state)<br />

ecristatus -a -um not crested, lacking a crest, e-cristatus<br />

ect-, ecto- on the outside-, outwards-, ektoj, ekto-, ekt-<br />

Ectadiopsis Appearing-far-distant, ektadioj-oyij<br />

ectophloeos living on the bark of another plant, ekto-floioj (symbionts, parasites<br />

and saprophytes)<br />

ectypus -a -um outside or not agreeing to the type, ekt-tupoj, e-typus<br />

edentatus -a -um, edentulus -a -um without teeth, toothless, e-(dens, dentis)<br />

Edgeworthia, edgeworthii for M. P. Edgeworth (1821–81), botanist of the East India<br />

Company<br />

edinensis -is -e, edinburgensis of Edinburgh, Scotland (Edinburgum)<br />

editorum of the editors, productive, radiant; of heights, from edo, ederi, edidi, editum<br />

edo, edoensis from Tokyo (formerly Edo)<br />

edomensis -is -e from the Edom area of SW Jordan<br />

Edraianthus Sedentary-flower, edraioj-anqoj (the flower-clusters on the peduncles)<br />

edulis -is -e of food, edible, edo, esse, edi, esum<br />

efarinosus -a -um lacking farina, without a mealy indumentum, e-farina<br />

effusus -a -um spread out, very loose-spreading, unrestrained, effundo, effundere,<br />

effudi, effusum<br />

egalikensis -is -e from Igaliko, Greenland<br />

Eglanteria, eglanterius -a -um from a French name, eglantois or eglantier, for Rosa<br />

canina<br />

egregius -a -um outstanding, exciting, egregius<br />

ehrenbergii for Karl August Ehrenberg (1801–49), collector in Port-au-Prince and<br />

Mexico<br />

Ehretia for George Dionysius Ehret (1708–70), botanical artist<br />

ehrhartii for J. F. Ehrhart (1742–95), of Switzerland<br />

Eichhornia (Eichornia) for J. A. F. Eichhorn (1779–1856) of Prussia (water hyacinth)<br />

eichleri, eichlerianus -a -um for Wilhelm Eichler of Baku, who, c. 1873, sent Tulipa<br />

eichleri to Regel<br />

elachi-, elacho-, elachy- small-, elaxuj, smallest elaxistoj (followed by an organ or<br />

structure)<br />

elachisanthus -a -um having small flowers, elaxuj-anqoj<br />

elachophyllus -a -um small-leaved, elaxuj-fullon<br />

elachycarpus -a -um small-fruited, elaxuj-karpoj<br />

elae-, elaeo- olive-, ela, elaia<br />

elaeagnifolius -a -um, (elaeagrifolia) with Elaeagnus-like leaves, Elaeagnus-folium<br />

elaeagnoides resembling Elaeagnus, elaia-agnoj-oeidhj<br />

Elaeagnus, elaeagnos Olive-chaste-tree, elaia-agnoj (oleaster) (Elaeagnaceae)<br />

Elaeis (Elais) Olive, elaioj (the fruit of the oil-palm, Elaeis guineensis, has assumed<br />

huge commercial importance, like the olive)<br />

Elaeocarpus Olive-fruited, elaia-karpoj (the fruit form and structure)<br />

(Elaeocarpaceae)<br />

Elaeophorbia Olive-Euphorbia, elaia-Euphorbia (composite name indicating the<br />

olive-like fruits)<br />

elaeopyren olive-like kernel, having an oily-kernel, elaia- purhn<br />

elaeospermus -a -um having oil-rich seed, elaia-sperma<br />

elaidus -a -um oily, like the olive, elaia<br />

elaiophorus -a -um oil-bearing, elaia-fora (by analogy with the olive)<br />


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