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Glossary<br />

e-, ef-, ex- without-, not-, from out of-, ec-, ek-, e-, ex- (privative)<br />

Earinus, earinus -a -um Belonging-to-spring, earinoj (flowering season)<br />

eatonii for Amos Eaton (1776–1842)<br />

ebenaceus -a -um ebony-like, ebenoj<br />

Ebenus, ebenus -a -um Ebony-black, hebenus, ebenoj (Arabic, hebni, cognate with<br />

ebony) (vide supra, Family names re Ebenaceae)<br />

Ebermaiera for Karl Heinrich Ebermaier (1802–70), writer on medicinal plants<br />

( Chamaeranthemum)<br />

eboracensis -is -e from York (Eboracum, Eburacum)<br />

eborinus -a -um ivory-white, like ivory, ebur, eburis<br />

ebracteatus -a -um without bracts, privative e-bractea<br />

ebracteolatus -a -um lacking bracteoles, e-bracteolae<br />

ebudensis -is -e, ebudicus -a -um from the Hebridean Isles (Ebudae Insulae)<br />

ebulbus -u -um without bulbs; not swollen, e-bulbus<br />

Ebulus, ebulus a name, ebulus, ebuli in Pliny for danewort<br />

eburneus -a -um, eburnus -a -um ivory-white with yellow tinge, ebur, eburis<br />

ecae for Mrs E. C. Aitchison<br />

ecalcaratus -a -um without a spur, spurless, privative e-(calcar, calcaris)<br />

ecarinatus -a -um without a keel, un-ridged, e-(carina, carinae)<br />

Ecballium (Ecbalium) Expeller, ekballein (at maturity, the squirting cucumber<br />

expels its seeds when touched, ekballw to expel, ekbolh, expulsion, causing<br />

childbirth contractions, it also has cathartic properties)<br />

ecbolius -a -um casting out, expelling, ekbolh, ekboloj (cathartic)<br />

eccremo- pendent, hanging, ek-kremastoj<br />

Eccremocarpus Hanging-fruit, ek-kremastoj-karpoj (Chilean glory flower)<br />

Echeveria for Athanasio Echeverria y Godoy, one of the illustrators of Flora<br />

Mexicana<br />

echidnis -is -e, echidnus -a -um serpentine, exidna, echidna<br />

Echinacea, echinaceus -a -um Spiny-one, exinoj (the spiny involucral bracts) (purple<br />

cone flower) (cf. Erinacea)<br />

Echinaria Hedgehog-like, exinoj (prickly capitate inflorescence of hedgehog grass)<br />

echinatoides resembling (Rubus) echinatoides, exinoj-oeidhj<br />

echinatus -a -um, echino- covered with prickles, hedgehog-like, exinoj<br />

Echinella, echinellus -a -um Little hedgehog, slightly prickly achenes, echinus with<br />

diminutive suffix -ellus<br />

echiniformis -is -e having hedgehog- or sea-urchin-like form, echinus-forma<br />

echino- spiny like a hedgehog or sea urchin, exinoj, exino, echinus, echini<br />

Echinocactus Hedgehog-cactus, exino-kaktoj<br />

echinocarpus -a -um having spine-covered fruits, exino-karpoj<br />

echinocephalus -a -um having a prickly head, exinoj-kefalh (the warty surface of<br />

the pileus)<br />

Echinocereus Hedgehog-Cereus, exino-Cereus<br />

Echinochloa Hedgehog-grass, exino-xloh (the awns of the scabrid spikelets)<br />

Echinodorus Hedgehog-bag, exino-doroj (the fruiting heads of some species)<br />

Echinofossulocactus Prickly-ditch-cactus, botanical Latin echino-fossula-cactus<br />

(wavy spine-clad ridges of the brain or barrel cactus)<br />

echinoides sea-urchin- or hedgehog-like, exinoj-oeidhj<br />

Echinopanax Hedgehog-Panax, exino-Panax<br />

Echinophora Prickle-carrier, exino-fora (the spiny umbels)<br />

echinophytus -a -um prickly or hedgehog-plant, exinoj-futon<br />

Echinops Hedgehog-resembler, exinoj-wy (globe thistles)<br />

echinosepalus -a -um with prickle-covered sepals, exino-skeph<br />

echinosporus -a -um having spores covered in small prickles, exino-sporoj<br />

echinus -a -um prickly like a hedgehog, exinoj<br />

echioides resembling Echium, Echium-oides<br />

Echites the name in Pliny for a twining or coiling plant, perhaps a Clematis, viperlike,<br />

exij, exidna<br />


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