The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

dormiens seasonal, having a dormant period, present participle of dormio, dormire,<br />

domivi, domitum<br />

doronicoides resembling Doronicum, Doronicum-oides<br />

Doronicum from an Arabic name, doronigi (leopard’s bane)<br />

Dorotheanthus Dorothea-flower (for Dr Schwantes’ mother, Dorothea)<br />

dorsalis -is -e of mountain ridges, of the back, dorsum<br />

dorsi-, -dorsus -a -um on the back-, -backed, outside, dorsum, dorsi (outer curve of a<br />

curved structure)<br />

Dorstenia for <strong>The</strong>odore Dorsten (1492–1552), German botanist<br />

dortmanna, dortmanniana for Herr Dortmann (c. 1640), pharmacist of Gröningen<br />

-dorus -a -um -bag-shaped, -bag, doroj<br />

dory- pole-, spear-, doru, doratoj, doru-<br />

Doryanthes Spear-flower, doru-anqoj (the long flowering-scape)<br />

Dorycnium Dioscorides’ name, doruknion, was for a Convolvulus, reapplied by<br />

Miller<br />

Doryopteris Spear-fern, doru-pteruc<br />

doryphorus -a -um lance-bearing, doru-foroj (long tapering leaves or stems)<br />

dosua from a vernacular name, dosi-swa, for Indigofera dosua<br />

Douglasia, douglasii for David Douglas (1798–1834), of Perthshire, Scotland, plant<br />

collector in NW America for the RHS<br />

dovrensis -is -e from the Dovre mountain plateau, Dovrefjell, of S Central<br />

Norway<br />

-doxa -glory, doca<br />

Draba, draba Acrid, a name, drabh, used by Dioscorides for Lepidium draba<br />

(whitlow grass)<br />

drabae-, drabi- Draba-likedrabifolius<br />

-a -um Draba-leaved, Draba-folium<br />

Dracaena Female-dragon, drakaina (dragon tree, a source of dragon’s blood)<br />

draco, draco- dragon-, drakwn (for dragon’s blood sap or resin)<br />

Dracocephalum, dracocephalus -a -um Dragon-head, drako-kefalh (the shape of the<br />

corolla)<br />

dracocephalus -a -um dragon-headed, drako-kefalh<br />

dracoglossus -a -um serpent-tongued, drako-glwssa (division of frond)<br />

dracomontanus -a -um from the Drakensberg mountains, S Africa<br />

draconsbergensis -is -e from Drakensberg, S Africa<br />

Dracontioides, dracontoides Dracontium like, drakontion-oeidhj<br />

Dracontium, dracontius -a -um Snake, drakwn, drakontoj, an ancient Greek name,<br />

used by Pliny for plant with serpentine roots, dracontia-radix<br />

Dracophyllum Dragon-leaf, drako-fullon<br />

dracophyllus -a -um dragon-leaved, drako-fullon (the markings)<br />

Dracula Sinister, from the name, dragwlya, given to fifteenth-century Vlad Tepes,<br />

Prince of Wallachia, renowned for his cruelty (this dark orchid has a jelly-like lip to<br />

entice pollinators)<br />

Dracunculus, dracunculus Little-dragon, diminutive of draco, draconis (a name used<br />

by Pliny for a serpentine rooted plant)<br />

Drapetes Breaking-up, drapethj<br />

Dregea, dregei, dregeanus -a -um for Johann Franz Drege (1794–1881), German plant<br />

collector in S Africa<br />

drepano- arched, sickle-shaped, drepanon, drepanto, drepano-<br />

Drepanocarpus Curved-fruit, drepano-karpoj (leopard’s claw)<br />

drepanocentron curved spur, drepano-kentron<br />

Drepanocladus Curved-branch, drepano-kladoj (the arched lateral branches)<br />

drepanolobius -a -um having small curved lobes, drepano-loboj (leaves or petals)<br />

drepanophyllus -a -um having sickle-shaped leaves, drepano-fullon<br />

Drepanostachyum, drepanostachyus -a -um Curved-spike, drepano-staxuj<br />

drepanus -a -um arched or curved like a sickle-blade, drepanon<br />

Drimia Acrid, drimuj (the pungent juice from the bulbs)<br />


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