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Glossary<br />

didymophyllus -a -um having paired leaflets or leaves, didumo-fullon<br />

Didymosalpinx Two trumpeted-one, didumo-salpigc (the flower arrangement)<br />

Didymosperma Two-seeded-one, didumo-sperma (fruits usually have two seeds)<br />

didymus -a -um twofold, double, didumoj (testicle) (as the dumb-bell-shaped fruit<br />

of Coronopus didymus)<br />

Dieffenbachia, dieffenbachianus -a -um, dieffenbachii for Herr Dieffenbach, gardener<br />

of Schönbrunn, Austria (dumb cane)<br />

dielsianus -a -um, dielsii for Frank L. E. Diels (1874–1945), of the Berlin Dahlem<br />

Botanic Garden<br />

diemenicus -a -um from Tasmania (prior to 1855 called Van Diemen’s Land)<br />

Dierama Funnel, dierama, di-eramai (the shape of the perianth)<br />

Diervilla for M. Dièreville, French surgeon and traveller in Canada during<br />

1699–1700<br />

Dietes Two-years, diethj, dietia (wedding lily)<br />

difficilis -is -e difficult, awkward, difficilis<br />

difformis -is -e, diformis -is -e of unusual or abnormal form or shape, irregular,<br />

deformo, deformare, deformavi, deformatum<br />

diffractus -a -um shattering, becoming tessellated with cracks, present participle of<br />

diffringo, diffringere<br />

diffusiflorus -a -um with open inflorescences, (diffundo, diffundere, diffudi, diffusum)florum<br />

diffusus -a -um loosely spreading, diffuse, diffundo, diffundere, diffudi, diffusum<br />

digamus -a -um having both sexes in the same inflorescence, dij-gamoj<br />

digeneus -a -um produced sexually, containing both sexes, of two (dissimilar)<br />

species, di-genoj (hybrid name)<br />

digitaliflorus -a -um with flowers similar to Digitalis, Digitalis-florum<br />

Digitalis, digitalis -is -e Finger-bonnet, Fingerstall (Fuchs’ translation of the<br />

German Fingerhut) (foxglove)<br />

digitaloides resembling Digitalis<br />

Digitaria Fingered, digitus, digiti (the radiating spikes)<br />

digitatus -a -um fingered, hand-like, lobed from one point, digitate, digitus, digiti<br />

(see Fig. 8c)<br />

digitiformis -is -e fingered, finger-shaped, digitus-forma<br />

dignabilis -is -e noteworthy, digno, dignare, dignor, dignari<br />

Digraphis, digraphis -is -e Twice-inscribed, di-grafij (with lines of two colours, <br />

Phalaris)<br />

digynus -a -um with an ovary having two carpels, di-gunh<br />

Diheteropogon Doubled-Heteropogon (has paired racemes)<br />

dijonensis -is -e from Dijon, France<br />

dilatatopetiolaris -is -e with inflated petioles, dilatatus-petiolus<br />

dilatatus -a -um, dilatus -a -um widened, spread out, dilated, dilato, dilatare, dilatavi,<br />

dilatatum<br />

dilectus -a -um picking, selection; beloved, past participle of diligo, diligere, dilexi,<br />

dilectum<br />

Dillenia for Johann Jacob Dillenius (1687–1747), Professor of Botany at Oxford,<br />

author of Historia Muscorum and Hortus Elthamensis (Dilleniaceae)<br />

dilleniifolius -a -um, dillaniaefolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Dillenia<br />

diluculus -a -um of dawn, of the dawn, diluculum, diluculi (early flowering)<br />

dilutus -a -um pale, washed-out, past participle of diluo, diluere, dilui, dilutum<br />

dimidiatus -a -um with two equal parts, dimidiate, halved, dimidiatus<br />

diminutus -a -um very small, de-(minuo, minuere, minui, minutum)<br />

dimitrus -a -um having two covers or head-dresses, di-mitra, di-(mitra, mitrae)<br />

(doubled corolla)<br />

dimorph-, dimorpho-, dimorphus -a -um two-shaped, with two forms, di-morfh (of<br />

leaf or flower or fruit)<br />

dimorphanthus -a -um having flowers of two forms, di-morfh-anqoj<br />

dimorphoelytrus -a -um having two distinct coverings, di-morfh-elutron<br />


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