The Names Of Plants.pdf

The Names Of Plants.pdf

The Names Of Plants.pdf


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

densiflorus -a -um densely flowered, close-flowered, densus-(floreo, florere, florui)<br />

densifolius -a -um with dense foliage, densus-folium<br />

dens-leonis lion’s tooth, (dens, dentis)-(leo, leonis)<br />

densus -a -um compact, condensed, close, with short internodes, densus<br />

Dentaria Toothwort, dens, dentis (the signature of the scales upon the roots)<br />

dentatisepalus -a -um having toothed sepals, (dens, dentis)-sepalus<br />

dentatus -a -um, dentosus -a -um having teeth, with outward-pointing teeth,<br />

dentate, dentatus (see Fig 4b)<br />

denticulatus -a -um minutely toothed, diminutive from dentatus<br />

dentifer -era -erum tooth-bearing, dentis-fero<br />

denudans becoming naked, stripping, present participle of denudo, denudare, denudavi,<br />

denudatum<br />

denudatus -a -um hairy or downy but becoming naked, denuded, naked (leafless at<br />

flowering) denudo, denudare, denudavi, denudatum<br />

deodarus -a -um from the eponymous Indian state (Sanskrit, deva dara, divine tree)<br />

deorsus -a -um downwards, hanging, deorsum, deorsus<br />

deorum of the gods, deus, dei (feminine dea, deae)<br />

depauperatus -a -um imperfectly formed, dwarfed, of poor appearance, impoverished,<br />

(de-)paupero, pauperare<br />

depavitus -a -um beaten or trodden down, de-(pavo, pavire, pavui, pavitum)<br />

dependens hanging down, pendent, derived from, present participle of dependeo,<br />

dependere<br />

depraehensus -a -um held different from an earlier one, de-prae-(hendo, hendere, hensi,<br />

hensum)<br />

depressinervius -a -um having depressed veins, botanical Latin from depressusnervus<br />

depressus -a -um flattened downwards, depressed, past participle of deprimo,<br />

deprimere, depressi, depressum<br />

deregularis -is -e deviating or not conforming to the rule, de-(regulo, regulare, regulavi,<br />

regulatum)<br />

derelictus -a -um abandoned, neglected, derelinquo, derelinquere, deriliqui, derelictum<br />

deremensis -is -e from Derema, Tanzania<br />

-dermis -is -a -skin, -outer-surface, derma<br />

descendens flowering downwards, descendent flowering, descendo, descendere,<br />

descendi, descensum<br />

Deschampsia for the French naturalist Louis Auguste Deschamps (1765–1842)<br />

Descurainia (Descurania) for François Descourain (1658–1740), French physician<br />

deserti-, desertorus -a -um, desertoris -is -e of deserts, from past participle of desero,<br />

deserere, deserui, desertum<br />

deserticolus -a -um inhabiting deserts, deserti-colo<br />

deserti-siriaci from the Syrian Desert, E Mediterranean (desero, deserere, deserui,<br />

desertum)<br />

desertus -a -um of uninhabited places, of places left waste, of deserts, from past<br />

participle of desero, deserere, deserui, desertum<br />

Desfontainia for René Louiche Desfontaines (1750–1833), French botanist<br />

(Desfontainiaceae)<br />

desiccatus -a -um dried up, of dryness, de-siccus<br />

desma-, desmo- bundle-, band-, thong-, fillet-, desmh, desmoj<br />

Desmabotrys Clustered-fruit, desmh-botruj<br />

desmacanthus -a -um with spines in bundles, desmh-akanqa<br />

Desmanthus, desmanthus -a -um Bundle-flower, desmh-anqoj (the appearance of the<br />

inflorescence)<br />

Desmazeria (Demazeria) for Jean Baptiste Henri Joseph Desmazières (1786–1862),<br />

French botanist<br />

Desmodium Band, desmoj (the lobed fruits, or the united stamens)<br />

desmoncoides resembling Desmoncus, Desmoncus-oides<br />

Desmoncus Grapple-band, desmoj-ogkoj (the hooked tips of the leaf rachices)<br />


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