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Glossary<br />

daucifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of carrot, Daucus-folium<br />

daucoides resembling Daucus, Daucus-oides<br />

Daucosma Carrot-fragrant, daukon-osmh<br />

Daucus the Latin name, daucus, for a carrot, Greek daukon<br />

dauricus -a -um from Dauria, NE Asia<br />

Davallia, davallianus -a -um for Edmond Davall (1763–98), Swiss botanist<br />

(Davalliaceae)<br />

davallioides, davalliodes resembling Davallia, like a hare’s-foot fern, Davallia-oides<br />

daveauanus -a -um for Jules Daveau (1852–1929), Director of the Botanic Garden at<br />

Lisbon<br />

Davidia, davidii, davidianus -a -um for l’Abbé Armand David (1826–1900), missionary<br />

and collector of Chinese plants (dove tree) (Davidiaceae)<br />

Davidsonia for J. E. Davidson, Australian sugar grower c. 1860 (Davidsoniaceae)<br />

Daviesia for Reverend Hugh Davies (1739–1821), Welsh botanist and author of<br />

Welsh Botanology (1813)<br />

davisianus -a -um, davisii for Peter Davis, collector for Veitch in Peru c. 1875<br />

davuricus -a -um from Dauria, NE Asia<br />

dayanus -a -um for John Day (1824–88), collector of orchids in India, Ceylon and<br />

Brazil<br />

Dayaoshania from the Dayao Shan mountains in S China<br />

de- downwards-, outwards-, from-, out of-, de<br />

dealbatus -a -um with a white powdery covering, white-washed, whitened, adjective<br />

from dealbo, dealbare<br />

debilis -is -e weak, feeble, frail, debilis<br />

Debregeasia for Prosper Justin de Bregeas, French naval explorer of the Far East<br />

1836–7<br />

dec-, deca-, decem- ten-, tenfold-, dekaj, decem<br />

Decagoniocarpus Ten-edged-fruit, deka-gwnia-karpoj<br />

decagonus -a -um having ten angles, ridges or corners, dekaj-gonu<br />

Decaisnea, decaisneanus -a -um for Joseph Decaisne (1807–82), French botanist and<br />

plant illustrator<br />

Decalepis Ten-scaled-one, deka-lepij (perianth structure)<br />

decalvans balding, becoming hairless, de-(calva, calvae)<br />

decandrus -a -um ten-stamened, deka-(anhr, androj)<br />

decapetalus -a -um with ten petals, deka-petalon<br />

decaphyllus -a -um having ten leaves, leaflets or perianth segments, deka-fullon<br />

Decarydendron Decary’s-tree, for Raymond Decary (1891–1973), French administrator<br />

in Madagascar, botanist and collector, botanical Latin from Decary and<br />

dendron<br />

decemfidus -a -um splitting into ten sections, decem-(findo, findere, fidi, fissum)<br />

deceptor, deceptrix deceiver, male and female gerundives of decipio, decipere, decepi,<br />

deceptum<br />

deceptus -a -um beguiling, deceiving, passive participle of decipio, decipere, decepi,<br />

deceptum<br />

deciduus -a -um not persisting, falling-off, deciduous, decido, decidere, decidi<br />

decipiens misleading, deceiving, present participle of decipio, decipere, decepi, deceptum<br />

Deckenia for Karl Klaus von der Decken (1833–65), German explorer and surveyor<br />

of Kilimanjaro, E Africa<br />

declinatus -a -um turned aside, curved downwards, declino, declinare, declinavi, declinatum<br />

declivis -is -e sloping downwards, growing at a steep downwards angle, declivis<br />

decliviticolus -a -um living on steep inclines, declivis-colo<br />

Decodon Ten-teeth, dekaj-odwn (from the horn-like processes in the calyx sinuses)<br />

decolor discoloured, faded, decolor, decoloris<br />

decolorans staining, discolouring, present participle of decoloro, decolorare, decoloravi,<br />

decoloratum<br />


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