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Glossary<br />

corymbiflorus -a -um with flowers in flat-topped heads, botanical Latin, corymbiflorum<br />

Corymbium Corymbose, korumboj (the flowering habit)<br />

Corymborchis Flat-headed-orchid, korumboj-orxij<br />

corymbosus -a -um with flowers arranged in corymbs, korumboj, with a flat-topped<br />

raceme (see Fig. 2d)<br />

corymbulosus -a -um with small corymbs, korumboj<br />

corynacanthus -a -um having stout thorns, korunh-akanqa<br />

Corynanthe Club-flower, korunh-anqoj (the orbicular appendages of the corolla<br />

lobes)<br />

coryne-, coryno- club-, club-like-, korunh<br />

Corynephorus Club-bearer, korunh-fora (the clubbed awns)<br />

corynephorus -a -um clubbed, bearing a club, korunh-fora<br />

corynestemon having club-shaped stamens, korunh-stemwn<br />

Corynocarpus, corynocarpus -a -um Club-fruited-one, korunh-karpoj (the stylar<br />

structure) (Corynocarpaceae)<br />

corynodes club-shaped, thickened towards the distal end, korunh-wdhj<br />

coryophorus -a -um bug-bearing, korij-fora (colour markings)<br />

coryph- at the summit-, korufh<br />

coryphaeus -a -um leading, the best, coryphaeus, coryphaei<br />

coryphoides resembling a talipot palm, Corypha-oides<br />

corys- ,-corythis -is -e helmet-, -cucculate, koruj, koroqoj<br />

coscayanus -a -um from Coscaya, N Chile<br />

Coscinium Sieve, koskinon (the timber of window-wood, C. fenestratum)<br />

cosmetus -a -um well-apparelled, cosmeta, cosmetae (wardrobe master)<br />

cosmoides resembling Cosmos, Cosmos-oides<br />

cosmophyllus -a -um having leaves resembling those of Cosmos<br />

Cosmos Beautiful, kosmoj (the ornamental flowers)<br />

-cosmus -a -um -beauty, -decoration, kosmioj<br />

cossus of the goat moth, Cossus cossus (the smell of the flesh of goat moth wax cap<br />

fungus)<br />

costalis -is -e, costatus -a -um with prominent ribs, with a prominent mid-rib, costa,<br />

costae (-cost, aromatic herb, costum, costi)<br />

costaricanus -a -um, costaricensis -is -e from Costa Rica<br />

costatus -a -um prominently ridged, ribbed, costa, costae<br />

Costus a name, costum, used in Pliny (kostoj, for an Indian plant with scented<br />

roots, possibly from the Arabic, koost) (cognate with cost, as in costmary and<br />

alecost)<br />

-costus -a -um -aromatic, costum, costi<br />

cosyrensis -is -e from Pantelleria Island, Mediterranean, near Sicily (Cossyra)<br />

cotinifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Cotinus, Cotinus-folius<br />

cotinoides resembling Cotinus, Cotinus-oides<br />

Cotinus, cotinus ancient Greek name, kotinoj, for a wild olive<br />

Cotoneaster Wild-quince, cotonea-aster (Gesner’s name suggests that the leaves of<br />

some species are similar to quince, cotonea in Pliny)<br />

Cotula, cotulus -a -um Small-cup, kotulh, via the Italian vernacular name, cota, for<br />

Anthemis cota (the leaf arrangement)<br />

cotuliferus -a -um bearing small cup(-like structures), kotulh-ferw<br />

Cotyledon, cotyledon Cupped, kotulhdwn (Pliny’s name refers to the leaf shape)<br />

cotyledonis -is -e cup-like, kotulh-oeidhj (leaves)<br />

coulteri for Thomas Coulter (1793–1843), Irish physician and botanist<br />

coum from a Hebrew name for Cyclamen coum (coumarin, from Tupi, kumaru,<br />

relates to the Tonka Bean’s use as a flavouring)<br />

courbaril from a vernacular name for the timber<br />

cous Coan, from the island of Cos, Cous, Coi, Aegean Turkey (pearl millet, couscous,<br />

derives from Arabic, kuskus, that which has to be pounded)<br />

cowa an Indian vernacular name for the fruit of Garcinia cowa<br />


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