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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

cornutus -a -um horn-shaped, cornus<br />

corocoroensis -is -e from the Corocoro river area of NW Venezuela<br />

Corokia from a New Zealand Maori vernacular name<br />

corollarius -a -um having a corolla, corolla, corollae<br />

corolliferus -a -um bearing a corolla, corolla-fero<br />

corollinus -a -um with a conspicuous corolla, corolla, corollae<br />

coromandelicus -a -um from the Coromandel coastal area, SE India, or the similarly<br />

named area in New Zealand<br />

coronans encircling, garlanding, crowning, present participle of corono, coronare,<br />

coronavi, coronatum<br />

Coronaria Crown-material, corona (Latin translation of stefanwtikh, used in<br />

making chaplets, cf. Stephanotis)<br />

coronarius -a -um garlanding, forming a crown, corona, coronae<br />

corona-sanctistephani St Stephen’s crown, botanical Latin from corona, sanctus and<br />

Stephan<br />

coronatus -a -um crowned, coronatus<br />

Coronilla, coronillus -a -um Little-garland, diminutive of corona (the flowerheads)<br />

coronopifolius -a -um crowfoot-leaved, Coronopus-folium<br />

Coronopus, coronopus <strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name, korwnopouj, for crowfoot, korwnhpouj<br />

(leaf-shape)<br />

Correa for Jose Francesco Correa de la Serra (1750–1823), Portuguese botanist<br />

correlatus -a -um with relationship, related, con-relatus<br />

corriganus -a -um improved, like a shoelace, slender, corrigia, corrigiae<br />

Corrigiola Shoe-thong, diminutive of corrigia (the slender stems)<br />

corrugatus -a -um wrinkled, corrugated, corrugo, corrugare<br />

corsicanus -a -um, corsicus -a -um from Corsica, Corsican<br />

Cortaderia Cutter, from the Spanish-Argentinian name, cortadera, for Cortaderia<br />

selloana (refers to the sharp leaf margins of pampas grass)<br />

corticalis -is -e, corticosus -a -um with a notable, pronounced or thick bark, cortex,<br />

corticis<br />

corticolus -a -um living on tree bark, cortex-colo<br />

Cortinarius Vaulted, with a distinct cortina, cortina, cortini (the covering between<br />

the edge of the pileus and the stalk of a toadstool enclosing the gills)<br />

Cortusa for Jacobi Antonii Cortusi (1513–93), director of the Padua Botanic Garden<br />

cortusifolius -a -um with leaves similar to those of Cortusa<br />

cortusioides, cortusoides resembling Cortusa<br />

coruscans shaking, quivering, fluttering, flashing, present participle of corusco, coruscare<br />

coruscus -a -um tremulous, oscillating, shimmering, glittering, coruscus; helmetshaped<br />

(stamens), koruj; of the NW wind, Corus<br />

Corvisatia for Jean Nicolas Corvisat des Marets, physician to Napoleon Bonaparte<br />

Coryanthes Helmet-flower, koruj-anqoj (the labellum shape)<br />

coryanthus -a -um having helmet-shaped flowers, koruj-anqoj<br />

coryanus -a -um, coryi for Reginald Radcliffe Cory (1871–1934), benefactor of the<br />

Cambridge Botanic Garden<br />

Corybas Ecstatic (from analogy to frenzied dances of the Corybantes, priests of<br />

Cybele)<br />

Corydalis (Corydallis), corydalis -is -e Lark, korudallij (Durante’s name refers to the<br />

spur of the flowers); fumitory-like<br />

coryli, coryli- (parasitic on) hazel; hazel-, Corylus<br />

corylifolius -a -um with leaves similar to those of Corylus, Corylus-folium<br />

corylinus -a -um hazel-like, resembling Corylus<br />

Corylopsis Hazel-resembler, botanical Latin from Corylus and oyij<br />

Corylus Helmet, corylus (the Latin name refers to the concealing nature of hazel’s<br />

calyx) (Corylaceae)<br />

corymbiferus -a -um bearing corymbs, corymbus, corymbi (Fig. 2d)<br />


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