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Glossary<br />

cordiferus -a -um, cordigerus -a -um bearing hearts, cordis-fero or -gero (Serapias cordigera,<br />

heart-flowered orchid)<br />

cordifoliatus -a -um having heart-shaped leaflets, (cor, cordis)-foliatus<br />

cordifolius -a -um with heart-shaped leaves, cordi-folium<br />

cordiformis -is -e heart-shaped, cordi-forma<br />

cordilabrus -a -um having a heart-shaped lip, cordi-labrum<br />

cordobensis -is -e from any of the Córdobas in Argentine, Colombia or Mexico<br />

cordubensis -is -e from Cordova (Corduba) Spain<br />

Cordyceps Rope-stake, chorda-cippus (fruit-body form, via Gascon-French, cep, a<br />

tree-trunk mushroom)<br />

cordufanus -a -um from Kordofan (Kurdufan), Sudan<br />

Cordyline Club, kordulh (some cabbage palms have large club-shaped roots)<br />

coreanus -a -um from Korea, Korean<br />

Corema Broom (Greek name, korema, suggested by the bushy habit)<br />

Coreopsis Bug-like, korij-oyij(the shape of the fruits)<br />

Corethrogyne Broom-styled, koreqron-gunh (the styles)<br />

coriaceifolius -a -um thick or leathery leaved, corium-folium<br />

coriaceus -a -um tough, thick, leathery, like leather, corium (the leaves)<br />

coriandrifolius -a -um coriander-leaved, Coriandrum-folium<br />

coriandrinus -a -um resembling coriander, like-Coriandrum<br />

Coriandrum <strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name, koriannon or koriandron, for Coriandrum sativum<br />

(coriander has seeds resembling bed-bugs, korij)<br />

Coriaria Leather, kwrukoj, corium (used in tanning) (Coriariaceae)<br />

coriarioides resembling Coriaria, Coriaria-oides<br />

coriarius -a -um of tanning, leather-like, of the tanner, coriarius<br />

corid- Coris-like<br />

corifolius -a -um leathery-leaved, corius-folium<br />

corii- leathery-, corium; corius<br />

coriifolius -a -um, coridifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Coris<br />

coriophorus -a -um bug-bearing, korij-fora (smell of foliage); bearing helmets,<br />

koruj-fora (flower shape)<br />

Coris a name, koruj, used by Dioscorides<br />

coritanus -a -um from the East Midlands (home of the Coritani tribe of ancient<br />

Britons)<br />

corius -a -um leathery, hide-like, corium, corius, cori-, coriicormiferus<br />

-a -um producing corms, kormoj-ferw<br />

corneus -a -um horny, of horn-like texture, corneus<br />

corni, corni, -cornis -is -e living on Cornus (Craneiobia, dipteran gall midge);<br />

horned-, horn-bearing-, Cornuscornicinus<br />

-a -um crow- or raven-black, cornix, cornicis<br />

corniculatus -a -um having small horn- or spur-like appendages or structures,<br />

diminutive of cornus<br />

cornifer -era -erum, corniferus -a -um corniger -era -erum, cornigerus -a um horned,<br />

horn-bearing, cornu-(fero, ferre, tuli, latum) or -cornu-(gero, gerere, gessi, gestum)<br />

cornifolius Cornus-leaved, Cornus-folium<br />

cornolium medieval name for cornel, Cornus mas, (the fruit of cornelian cherry, was<br />

cornolia)<br />

cornubiensis -is -e, cornubius -a -um from Cornwall (Cornubia), Cornish<br />

cornu-cervi shaped like a deer’s horn, cornu-cerva<br />

Cornucopiae Horn of plenty, cornu-copiae (hooded grass)<br />

cornucopiae, cornucopioides shaped like a cornucopia, cornu-copiae (cf. pharmacopoeia,<br />

poison-making, farmakon-poioj)<br />

Cornus Horn, cornu, cornus; cornum (the ancient Latin name, cornum, for the cornelian<br />

cherry, Cornus mas) (Cornaceae)<br />

-cornus -horned, cornus<br />

Cornutia for Jaques Cornutus (1606–51), French traveller in Canada, author of<br />

Historia Plantarum Canadensium<br />


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