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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

confluans flowing-together, fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxum<br />

confluens flowing-together, fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxum (growing in dense tufts)<br />

confluentes from Koblenz, Germany, Confluentes<br />

conformis -is -e symmetrical, conforming to type or relationship, conformatio, conformationis<br />

confragosus -a -um breaking into pieces, confringo, confringere, confregi, confractum<br />

confusus -a -um easily mistaken for another species, disordered, past participle of<br />

confundo, confundere, confundi, confusum<br />

congestiflorus -a -um with crowded flowers, congestus-florus<br />

congestissimus -a -um very densely packed together, superlative of congestus<br />

congestus -a -um arranged very close together, crowded, past participle of congero,<br />

congerere, congessi, congestum<br />

conglobatus -a- um massed into a ball, past participle of conglobo, conglobare, conglobavi,<br />

conglobatum<br />

conglomeratus -a -um rolled up, crowded together, conglomero, conglomerare<br />

congolanus -a -um from the Congo river area, Africa<br />

congregatus -a -um clustered together, congrego, congregare, congregavi, congregatum<br />

congruus -a -um agreeable, congruus<br />

conicoides, conicoideus -a -um cone-shaped, kwnikoj-oeidhj, conicus-oides<br />

conicus -a -um, -conicus -a -um cone-shaped, conical, conus<br />

conifer -era -erum, coniferus -a -um cone-bearing, (conus, coni)-fero<br />

coniflorus -a -um cone-flowered, coni-florum<br />

conii- hemlock-like, resembling Conium<br />

coniifolius -a -um hemlock-leaved, Conium-folium<br />

conimbrigensis -is -e from Condeixa (Conimbriga), Portugal<br />

conio- dust, ashes, covered with dust or ashes, whitewashed; conidia, konia, koniw<br />

Coniogramme Sprinkled-lines, koniw-grammh (the sori along the veins)<br />

Coniophora Bearing ash, konia-fora (mealy surface)<br />

Conioselinum the name formula for hybrids between Conium and Selinum<br />

Conium the Greek name, kwneion, for hemlock plant and poison<br />

conjugens growing together, present participle of coniugo, coniugare<br />

conjugialis -is -e, conjugatus -a -um joined together in pairs, conjugate, coniugo, coniugare<br />

(ovaries of some Lonicera species)<br />

conjunctus -a -um joined together, coniungo, coniungere, coniunxi, coniunctom<br />

connatus -a -um born at the same time, united, joined, con-natus<br />

connectilis -is -e, connexus -a -um joined-up, past participle of con-(necto, nectere,<br />

nexi, nectum) (fern sori)<br />

connivens winking, converging, connivent, coniveo, conivere, conivi (conixi)<br />

cono- cone-shaped-, kwnoj, kwnoconocarpodendron<br />

cone-fruited-tree, kwno-karpo-dendron<br />

Conocarpus, conocarpus -a -um Cone-fruit, kwno-karpoj (the infructescence shape)<br />

Conocephalum, conocephalus -a -um Cone-headed, kwno-kefalh<br />

Conocybe Cone-cap, kwno-kubh (the usual shape of the pileus)<br />

conoides, conoideus -a -um cone-like, kwnoj-oeidhj<br />

conophalloides resembling a cone-shaped phallus, kwno-falloj-oeidhj<br />

Conopharyngia With a cone-shaped throat, kwno-farugc<br />

Conophora, conophorus -a -um Cone-bearer, kwno-fora<br />

Conophytum Cone-plant, kwno-futon (its inverted conical habit)<br />

Conopodium Cone-foot, kwno-podion (the enlarged base of the styles)<br />

conopseus -a -um (conopea) looking like a cloud of gnats or mosquitoes, kwnoj-wy,<br />

kwnoj-wpoj<br />

conothelis -is -e having a conical ovary, kwno-qhluj<br />

conradinia for an unidentified lady, Conradina<br />

Conringia for Hermann Conring, seventeenth-century German academic of<br />

Helmstedt<br />

consanguineus -a -um closely related, of the same blood, consanguineus<br />

consimilis -is -e just like, much resembling, consimilis<br />


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