The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

cistenus -a -um box-like, kisth, cisterna, cisternae<br />

cisti- Cistus-likecistifolius<br />

-a -um with Cistus-like leaves, Cistus-folius<br />

cistoides resembling Cistus, kistuj-oeidhj<br />

Cistus Capsule, kistuj (rock roses are conspicuous in fruit) (Cistaceae)<br />

Citherexylum Fiddlewood, kiqara-culon (used for making lyres etc)<br />

citratus -a -um Citrus-like, lemon-scented, Citrus<br />

citreus -a -um citron-yellow, Citrus<br />

citri- citron-like-, Citrus<br />

citricolor citron-yellow coloured, citri-color<br />

citrifolius -a -um Citrus leaved, Citrus-folium<br />

citrinellus -a -um slightly citron yellowish, diminutive of Citrus<br />

citriniflorus -a -um Citrus-flowered, lemon-yellow-flowered, Citrus-florus<br />

citrinifolius -a -um Citrus-leaved, Citrus-folius<br />

citrinus -a -um citron-yellow, citrinus<br />

citriodorus -a -um citron-scented, lemon-scented, citri-odorus<br />

Citrofortunella the composite name for hybrids between Citrus and Fortunella<br />

citroides resembling Citrus medica, Citrus-oides<br />

Citroncirus the composite name for hybrids between Citrus medica and Poncirus<br />

citronellus -a -um with the fragrance of citronella oil, diminutive of Citrus<br />

Citropsis resembling Citrus, kitron-oyij<br />

citrulloides resembling Citrullus, Citrullus-oides<br />

Citrullus, citrullus -a -um Little-orange, diminutive of citrus (the cucurbit’s fruit<br />

colour)<br />

Citrus from the ancient Latin name, citrus, from Greek kitron<br />

citus -a -um quick, ephemeral, cieo, ciere, civi, citum<br />

civilis -is -e gracious, courteous, civilis<br />

clad-, clado- shoot-, branch-, of the branch-, kladoj, klado-<br />

Cladanthus, cladanthus -a -um flowering on the branches, kladoj-anqoj (the terminal<br />

flowers)<br />

Cladium, cladius -a -um Small-branch, diminutive of kladoj (the short branches of<br />

the compressed panicle)<br />

Cladothamnus Branched-shrub, klado-qamnoj (the much-branched habit)<br />

Cladrastis Fragile-branched, klado-rastoj (the brittle branches)<br />

clandestinus -a -um concealed, hidden, secret, clandestinus<br />

clandonensis -is -e from the home of Arthur Simmonds (1892–1968) at West<br />

Clandon, Surrey<br />

Claoxylon Brittle-wood, klaw-culon<br />

claraensis -is -e from Santa Clara, Cuba<br />

clarinervius -a -um clearly or distinctly nerved, clarus-nerva<br />

clarkei for Charles Baron Clarke (1832–1906), British student of Indian plants<br />

Clarkia for Captain William Clark (1770–1838), co-leader of the Rocky Mountain<br />

expedition of 1803–6, with Meriwether Lewis<br />

claroflavus -a -um of a bright yellow colour, clarus-flavus<br />

claroviridis -is -e bright green, clarus-viridis<br />

clarus -a -um clear, bright, clarus, clari-, claroclathratus<br />

-a -um latticed, barred, cage-like, clatratus, clathratus (clatri, clathri)<br />

clausus -a -um shut, closed, enclosed, claudo, claudere, clausi, clausum<br />

clava-hercules Hercules’ club (thorny shrubs, e.g. devil’s walking sticks in Aralia or<br />

Xanthoxylum)<br />

Clavaria Clubbed, clava-aria (the clavate fruiting bodies)<br />

Clavariadelphus Clavaria’s-brother, botanical Latin from Clavaria and adelfoj<br />

clavatus -a -um, clavi-, clavus -a -um clubbed, distally enlarged like a club, clava<br />

clavellatus -a -um, clavellinus -a -um with small clubs, diminutive of clavus<br />

clavennae for Niccolo Chiavena (d. 1617), Italian apothecary<br />

Claviceps Thick-head, (clavus, clavi)-caput (the hard distension caused by ergot<br />

fruiting bodies)<br />


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