The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Chordospartium Thread-Spartium, xordh-sparton (the slender shoots)<br />

chori-, -choris separate-, apart-, xwrizo, xwrij, xwri-<br />

Chorisia for J. Ludwig (Louis) Choris (1795–1828), the artist who circumnavigated<br />

the world with Kotzbue<br />

Chorispora Separated-seed, xwri-sporoj (winged seeds are separated within the<br />

fruit)<br />

choristaminius -a -um having distinct and free stamens, xwri-(stamij, staminoj)<br />

Chorizema Dance-with-drink, xwri-zema (La Billardière is said to have danced for<br />

joy at finding the plant and a necessary freshwater spring)<br />

chortophilus -a -um pasture loving, food-loving, xortoj-filoj<br />

chotalensis -is -e from Chota, Amazonas, N Peru<br />

Christensenia for Dr Carl Christensen (b. 1872), of Copenhagen, author of Index<br />

filicum<br />

Christiana for Christen Smith (1785–1816), Norwegian plant collector in Congo<br />

christii for Hermann Christ (1833–1933), Swiss rose specialist, of Basle<br />

christyanus -a -um for Thomas Christy FLS, orchidologist of Sydenham, England,<br />

who flowered Catasetum christyanum in 1882<br />

-chromatus -a -um, chromosus -a -um, -chromus -a -um, -conspicuously-coloured,<br />

xrwma, xrwmatochrono-<br />

time-, xronoj, xrono-<br />

chronosemium time-flag, xrono-semeion (section of Iris with the standard enlarging<br />

and enclosing the fruit)<br />

chroo- coloured-, xrwoj. xrwo-<br />

Chroococcus, chroococcus -a -um Coloured-berry, xrwoj-kokkoj (the unicellular cocci)<br />

Chroogomphus Colourful-nail (vinaceous, chrome and glowing red fungus)<br />

chroolepis with coloured (yellow) scales, xrwoj-lepij<br />

chroosepalus -a -um with coloured sepals, xrwoj-skeph<br />

-chrous -a -um body or skin, xroa, xroia, xrwj, xrwtoj, xrwo-<br />

Chrozophora Stain-bearing, xrwzw-fora<br />

chrys-, chryso- golden-, xrusoj, xrujo-, xrujchrysacanthus<br />

-a -um with golden thorns, xrus-akanqa<br />

Chrysalidocarpus Pupa-like-fruit, xrusallij-eido-karpoj; Golden-looking-fruit,<br />

xrusoj-eidoj-karpoj<br />

Chrysanthellum Chrysanthemum-like, diminutive of chrysanthum<br />

chrysanthemoides Chrysanthemum-like, xrus-anqemion-oeidhj<br />

Chrysanthemum Golden-flower, xrus-anqemion (Dioscorides’ name for C. coronarium),<br />

now treated as several genera such as Ajania, Arctanthemum,<br />

Argyranthemum, Dendranthema, Leucanthemum, Leucanthemella, Leucanthemopsis,<br />

Nipponanthemum, Pyrethropsis, Rhodanthemum and Tanacetum<br />

chrysantherus -a -um having golden anthers, xrus-anqhroj<br />

chrysanthus -a -um golden-flowered, xruj-anqoj<br />

chrysellus -a -um somewhat golden, diminutive from xrusoj<br />

chrysenteron golden-entrailed, xruj-enteron (the flesh revealed by cracking of the<br />

surface of the pilea)<br />

chryseus -a -um golden-yellow, gold, xruseoj<br />

Chrysobalanus Golden-acorn, xruso-balanoj (the fruit of some is acorn-like)<br />

(Chrysobalanaceae)<br />

chrysocarpus -a -um golden-fruited, xruso-karpoj<br />

chrysocephalus -a -um golden-headed, xruso-kefalh<br />

Chrysochloa Golden-grass, xruso-xloh<br />

chrysochlorus -a -um bronzed (leaves), golden-green, xruso-xlwroj<br />

chrysocodon golden-bell (flowered), xruso-kwdwn<br />

Chrysocoma, chrysocomus -a -um Golden-hair, xruso-komh (goldilocks’ inflorescence)<br />

chrysocrepis -is -e golden-shoe (flowered), xruso-krhpij<br />

chrysocyathus -a -um golden-cupped, xruso-kuaqoj (the corolla)<br />

chrysodon golden-toothed, xruj-(odouj, odontoj) (the golden scales at the margin<br />

of the pileus)<br />


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