The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

chimanimaniensis -is -e from the area of Chimanimani, on Zimbabwe’s border with<br />

Mozambique<br />

Chimaphila Winter-love, xeima-filoj (wintergreen)<br />

chimboracensis -is -e from Chimborazo mountains of central Equador<br />

Chimonanthus Winter-flower, xeimwn-anqoj (winter sweet)<br />

Chimonobambusa Winter-Bambusa, botanical Latin from xeimwnoj and Bambusa<br />

china China-root (Smilax china), former gout remedy from China and Japan (China<br />

is added to plant names when they were introduced from there, or plants such as<br />

pe-tsai and pak-choi are dubbed Chinese cabbage etc)<br />

chinensis -is -e from China, Chinese, see sinensis<br />

chino Chinese (see sino-)<br />

chio-, chion-, chiono- snow-, xiwn, xiwnoj, xiono-<br />

Chiococca Snow-berry, xiwn-kokkoj<br />

Chiogenes Borne of snows, xiwn-genea (the snow-white berries/winter-growing/<br />

flowering)<br />

Chionanthus Snow-flower, xiwn-anqoj (fringe tree’s abundant white flowers)<br />

chionanthus -a -um snow-flowered, flowering in the snow, xiwn-anqoj<br />

chionatus -a -um of the snow, xiwn<br />

chioneus -a -um snowy, xiwn<br />

chionocephalus -a -um with snow-white (flower) heads, xiono-kefalh<br />

Chionochloa Snow-verdure, xiono-xloh (Snow tussock grass)<br />

Chionodoxa Glory of the snow, xiono-doca (Boissier’s name reflects the very early<br />

flowering, during snow-melt)<br />

chionogenes growing in snowy conditions, xiono-genea (the snow-white<br />

berries/winter growing/flowering)<br />

Chionographis Snow-brush, xiono-grafij (the appearance of the white inflorescence)<br />

Chionohebe Snow-Hebe, xiono-hbh<br />

Chionophila, chionophilus -a -um Snow-lover, xiwn-filoj (its Rocky Mountain<br />

habitat)<br />

chionophyllus -a -um having foliage during the winter snows, xiwno-fullon<br />

Chionoscilla the composite name for hybrids between Chionodoxa and Scilla<br />

chiriquensis -is -e from Chirique (Chiriqui) volcanic region or province, Panama<br />

Chirita from the Hindustani vernacular name for a Gentiana species<br />

chiro- hand, xeir, xeiroj<br />

Chironia, chironius -a -um, chironus -a -um after Chiron the centaur of Greek mythology,<br />

who taught Jason and Achilles the medicinal use of plants<br />

chirophyllus -a -um with hand-shaped leaves, xeir-anqoj<br />

chisanensis -is -e from Chisan river area, USA<br />

-chiton -covering, -protective covering, -tunic, xitwn<br />

chitralensis -is -e from Chitral, NW Pakistan<br />

chitria from a Hindu vernacular name for a Berberis<br />

chius -a -um of Khios Island (Chios), Aegean; snow, xiwn (flowering in the snow)<br />

-chlainus -a -um -cloaked, -mantled, xlaina<br />

chlamy-, chlamydo- cloak-, cloaked-, xlamuj, xlamudoj, xlamudo-, xlamudchlamydanthus<br />

-a -um shrouded or enveloped flowers, xlamudo-anqoj<br />

chlamydiflorus -a -um shrouded or enveloped flowers, botanical Latin from<br />

xlamudo- and florum<br />

Chlamydocardia Cloak-of-hearts, xlamudo-kardia (the large, cordate, obscuring<br />

bracts of the inflorescence)<br />

Chlamydomonas Single-cloak, xlamudo-monaj (the chloroplast)<br />

chlamydophorus -a -um bearing a cloak or indusium, xlamudo-fora<br />

chlamydophyllus -a -um cloaked with leaves, xlamudo-fullon<br />

Chlidanthus Luxurious-flower, xlidh-anqoj<br />

-chloa -verdure, xloh<br />

Chloachne Pale-green-chaff, xlwrhij-axnh<br />

chloodes grass-green, with the appearance of young grass, xloh-wdhj<br />


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