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Glossary<br />

cheiro- hand-, hand-like-, xeir, xeiro-; bad-, mean-, weak-, xeirwn<br />

cheiropetalus -a -um having fingered petals, lobed petals, xeiro-petalon<br />

cheirophyllus -a -um having hand-like, lobed leaves, xeiro-fullon<br />

Cheirostemon Hand-of-stamens, xeiro-stemon (the disposition of the anthers on the<br />

united filaments)<br />

cheirostyloides resembling Cheirostylis, xeiro-stuloj-oeidhj<br />

Cheirostylis Hand-column, xeiro-stuloj (alluding to the finger-like appendages<br />

and rostellar-lobes)<br />

chelidoniifolius -a -um with leaves like those of Chelidonium, Chelidonium-folius<br />

chelidonioides resembling Chelidonium, xelidwn-oeidhj<br />

Chelidonium Swallow-wort, Dioscorides’ name, xelidwn, Greek for a swallow<br />

(flowering at the time of their migratory arrival)<br />

Chelone Turtle-like, xelwnh (the form of turtle head’s corolla)<br />

chelonius -a -um similar to Chelone<br />

chelonoides resembling Chelone, xelwnh-oeidhj<br />

Chelonopsis Chelone-like, xelwnh-oyij<br />

chelophyllus -a -um having claw-like leaves, botanical Latin from xelh-fullon<br />

chelsiansis -is -e for Bull’s nurseries at Chelsea<br />

chenopodii of fat hen, living on Chenopodium (Pegomyia, leaf miner)<br />

chenopodioides resembling Chenopodium, xhno-podion-oeidhj<br />

chenopodiophyllus -a -um with Chenopodium like leaves, xhno-podion-fullon<br />

Chenopodium Goose-foot, xhno-podion (l’Ecluse’s name refers to the shape of the<br />

leaves) (Chenopodiaceae)<br />

chensiensis -is -e from Shensi (Shaanxi), Henan Province, China<br />

cherimola, cherimolia a Peruvian-Spanish name, cherimoya<br />

Cherleria for J. H. Cherler (1570–1610), Swiss physician and son-in-law of Johann<br />

Bauhin<br />

chermisinus -a -um red, crimson, see kermesinus (as if dyed with spruce gall aphid,<br />

Chermes)<br />

cherokeensis -is -e from Cherokee, Texas, or Iowa, USA<br />

chersinus -a -um living in dry habitats, xersoj, xersaioj<br />

chersonensis -is -e from Kherson or Cherson, in the Crimea<br />

chestertonii for Mr Chesterton, collector for Sander nurseries c. 1883<br />

Chevalieria for Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Chevalier de Lamarck<br />

(1744–1829), French evolutionist<br />

Chevreulia derivation uncertain<br />

chia from the Greek island of Chios<br />

chiapasanus -a -um from the Chiapas mountains, river or state, Mexico<br />

Chiastophyllum Crosswise-leaf , xiazein-fullon (the phyllotaxy)<br />

chichibuensis -is -e from the Chichibu Basin, Honshu, Japan<br />

Chickrassia etymology uncertain (Chitagong wood)<br />

chihuahuensis -is -e from the city or state of Chihuahua, N Mexico<br />

childsii for Childs, the American nurseryman<br />

chilensis -is -e from Chile, Chilean<br />

Chilianthus, chilianthus -a -um Thousand-flowered, (xiliaj, xilioi)-anqoj (chiliarchus<br />

was an officer in command of 1000 men)<br />

chilinus -a -um from Chile<br />

Chiliotrichum Thousand-haired-one, xilioi-(qric, trixoj) (the pappus)<br />

chillanensis -is -e from Chillan, Bio-Bio region of central Chile<br />

chilli from the Nahuatl vernacular name, for the fruits of Capsicum frutescens<br />

Chilocarpus, chiliocarpus -a -um Thousand-fruited, xilioi-karpoj (many-fruited)<br />

chiloensis -is -e from Chiloe Island off Chile<br />

Chilopsis Lip-like, xeiloj-oyij (the calyx)<br />

-chilos, -chilus -a -um -lipped, xeiloj<br />

chima-, chimon- winter-, xeima, xeimwn, xeimwnoj<br />

chimaerus -a -um monstrous, fanciful (the mythological ximaira, Chimera, was a<br />

fire-breathing she-goat with lion’s head and serpent’s tail)<br />


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