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Glossary<br />

Chamaebatia Dwarf-bramble, xamai-batoj<br />

Chamaebatiaria Chamaebatia-like<br />

chamaebuxus like dwarf box, xamai-pucoj<br />

chamaecarpus -a -um fruiting upon the ground, xamai-karpoj<br />

chamaecerassus like dwarf cherry, xamai-kerasoj<br />

Chamaecereus Prostrate-Cereus<br />

chamaecissus ivy of the ground, chamaicissus, xamaikissij<br />

chamaecistus (chamaeacistus) like dwarf Cistus, xamai-Cistus<br />

Chamaecladon Short-branched, xamai-kladoj (the peduncle)<br />

chamaecristus -a -um with a small crest, xamai-, crista<br />

Chamaecyparis Dwarf-cypress, xamai-kupeiroj<br />

Chamaecyparissus, chamaecyparissus Pliny’s name, from xamai-kuparissoj, for a<br />

ground-hugging cypress<br />

Chamaecystus Dwarf-ivy, xamai-(kissoj, kistoj)<br />

Chamaedaphne Ground-laurel, xamai-Daphne<br />

chamaedendrus -a -um dwarf tree, xamai-dendron<br />

Chamaedorea Low-gift, xamai-dorea (the accessible fruits)<br />

chamaedoron lowly-gift, gift from the earth, xamai-dwron<br />

chamaedrifolius -a -um chamaedrys-leaved, chamaedrys-folium<br />

chamaedryoides resembling chamaedrys, chamaedrys-oides<br />

Chamaedrys Ground oak, <strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name, xamaidruj, for a small oak-leaved<br />

plant<br />

chamaeiris dwarf-Iris, xamai-Iris<br />

chamaejasme dwarf jasmine-like, dwarf jessamine, botanical Latin from xamai and<br />

yesamin or Jasminum<br />

Chamaelaucium, Chamelaucium derivation uncertain (dwarf laukania throat?)<br />

chamaeleus -a -um ground-lion, covering the ground, xamaileon (from the Greek<br />

name for the chameleon)<br />

Chamaelirium Dwarf-lily, xamai-leirion<br />

chamaemelifolius -a -um Chamaemelum-leaved, Chamaemelum-folium<br />

Chamaemelum Ground-apple, xamai-melon (the habit and fragrance), chamomile<br />

chamaemespilus dwarf Mespilus, botanical Latin from xamai and Mespilus<br />

chamaemoly dwarf-magic-herb, xamai-molu (Allium)<br />

Chamaemorus Dwarf-mulberry, botanical Latin from xamai and morus<br />

Chamaenerion Dwarf-oleander, xamai-nhrion Gesner’s name for rosebay willow<br />

herb<br />

chamaepeplus -a -um ground-robe, clothing the ground, xamai-peploj<br />

Chamaepericlymenum Dwarf-climbing-plant, xamai-periklumenon<br />

chamaepeuce ground fir, xamai-peukh<br />

chamaephytus -a -um ground plant, xamai-futon (perennials with their resting buds<br />

at about ground kevel)<br />

chamaepitys <strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name for a dwarf pine-like plant, xamai-pituj<br />

Chamaeranthemum dwarf Eranthemum, botanical Latin from xamai- eraw-anqemion<br />

chamaerops Low-bush, xamai-rwy (in comparison with the tall, tropical fan-palms)<br />

chamaesulus -a -um quite close to the ground, botanical Latin diminutive from<br />

xamai<br />

chamaesyce dwarf fig tree, xamai-sukh<br />

chamaethomsonii dwarf (Rhododendron) thomsonii<br />

Chamaethyoides Dwarf-Thuja-like<br />

chamaeunus -a -um lying on the ground, xamai-eunhj<br />

chamaezelus -a -um jealous of the earth, ground seeking, xamai-zhlow<br />

Chamagrostis Dwarf-Agrostis, xam-agrwstij ( Mibora)<br />

chamberlaynianus -a -um, chamberlaynii for Reverend Hon Joseph Chamberlayn<br />

(1836–1914), orchid grower of Birmingham, England<br />

chamelensis -is -e from Chamela, Mexico<br />

chameleon changing appearance, xamaileon<br />

Chamelum Humble, xameloj (the dwarf habit)<br />


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