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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

cerinus -a -um the colour of bees-wax, waxy-yellow, kera, keroj<br />

Ceriporiopsis Looking-like-porous-wax, kera-poroj-oyij (texture of fruiting body)<br />

cernuus -a -um drooping, curving forwards, facing downwards, cernuus<br />

Ceropegia Fountain-of-wax, keroj-phgh (appearance of the inflorescence)<br />

Ceroxylon Waxy-wood, keroj-culon (for the waxy exudate on the trunks)<br />

cerris the ancient Latin name, cerrus, for turkey oak<br />

cerulatus -a -um waxen, waxy, cerula, cerulae<br />

cerusatus -a -um white, appearing to be painted with white lead, cerussa, cerussae<br />

cervianus -a -um from Cervia, N Italy; of the hind or stag, cervus, cervinus (Mollugo<br />

cervianus)<br />

cervicarius -a -um, cervicatus -a -um constricted, keeled, cervix, cervicarius<br />

cervicornis -is -e, cervicornu curved like a deer’s horn, curvus-cornu<br />

cervinus -a -um tawny, stag-coloured, cervus, cervinus (a hind)<br />

Cespedesia for Juan Maria Cespedes, priest of Santa Fé de Bogota<br />

cespitosus -a -um growing in tufts (see caespitosus)<br />

cestroides Cestrum-like, kestron-oeidhj<br />

Cestrum an ancient Greek name, kestron, of uncertain etymology<br />

Ceterach etymology dubious, from an Arabic name, chetrak, for a fern, or from the<br />

German, Krätze, for an itch (referring to the scurfy epidermis)<br />

cetratus -a -um armed with a targe, caetratus (shape of the pileus)<br />

ceylanicus -a -um from Ceylon (Sri Lanka)<br />

chacaoensis -is -e from Chacao, Venezuela, or the area of the Chacao Straits, Chile<br />

chacoanus -a -um from the chaco (annually flooded flatlands of Argentina, extending<br />

into Paraguay and Bolivia)<br />

Chaenactis Gaping-ray, xainw-aktij (the ray florets have a conspicuous mouth)<br />

chaeno- splitting-, gaping-, xainw<br />

Chaenomeles Gaping-apple, xainw-mhlon (Japanese quince)<br />

chaenomeloides resembling Chaenomeles, xainw-mhlon-oeidhj<br />

Chaenorhinum, Chaenorrhinum Gaping-nose, xainwrrinon (analogy with<br />

Antirrhinum)<br />

Chaenostoma Gaping-mouth, xainw-stoma (the corolla)<br />

chaero- pleasing-, rejoicing-, xairw<br />

chaerophylloides resembling Chaerophyllum, xairw-fullon-oeidhj<br />

Chaerophyllum, chaerophyllus -a -um, chaerophyllon Pleasing-leaf, xairw-fullon (the<br />

ornamental foliage)<br />

Chaetacanthus Hair-thorned, xaith-akanqa<br />

Chaetanthera Haired-anther, xaith-anqera (the anthers have hair-tufts)<br />

chaeto- long hair-like-, xaith, xait-<br />

Chaetocalyx Bristly-calyx, xaith-kaluc<br />

chaetocarpus -a -um hairy-fruited, xaith-karpoj<br />

Chaetogastra Bristly-belly, xaith-gasthr (the bristly calyx tube)<br />

chaetomallus -a -um having a main, fleecy-haired, xaith-malloj<br />

chaetophyllus -a -um fleecy-leaved, xaith-fullon<br />

chaetorhizus -a -um having hair-like or hair-covered roots, xaith-riza<br />

chailaricus -a -um of Chailu, Punjab region of Pakistan (salt range area)<br />

chaixii for Abbé Dominique Chaix (1731–1800), French botanist and a collaborator<br />

of Villars in producing Histoire des plantes Dauphinoises<br />

chalarocephalus -a -um having open or tired-looking heads (of flowers), xalarojkefalh<br />

chalcedonicus -a -um from Chalcedonia, Turkish Bosphorus<br />

chalcospermus -a -um having seeds of a coppery appearance, xalko-sperma<br />

chalepensis -is -e from Aleppo, from the Arabic name (see halapensis)<br />

chalusicus -a -um from Chalus, France, or the Chalus river area of the Elbrz mountains,<br />

N Iran<br />

chalybaeus -a -um grey, the colour of steel, xaluy, xaluboj<br />

chamae- on-the-ground-, lowly-, low-growing-, prostrate-, false-, xamai<br />

Chamaeangis Dwarf-vessel, xamai-aggeion<br />


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